
The very lush and fertile lands in the Midwest portion of North Azure belongs to the kingdom of Geleon. With a large lake and five rivers running through the plains of North Azure give this land all the water it needs to produce crops. Also the humanoids that live in this lush country seem to have a special talent in the ability to raise these crops year after year. The wood elves discovered these short humanoids called halflings. The truth be told these Halfling are native to Azure. The Goddess Demeter protects these very resilient halflings and blesses them every year in the producing of their crops as well. There villages are almost impossible to see because of being build in the hillsides of the plains. Halflings also taking there grain and the fruit from there lush orchards and make some of the finest ales in the realms. Being centrality located the Capital city of Olympia is the perfect trade hub to send there crops and ales out to all of Azure and the rest of YonZora.


halflings enjoyed the simple pleasures of the moment, such as food and music, family, and friendship, and how they seemed to desire no more than that Halflings’ seemingly have the innate ability to sidestep turmoil and ill fortune could in fact be a special boon of nature, in recognition of the value of protecting the halflings’ worldview and to ensure that their unique place in the cosmos will be forever preserved.

Public Agenda

Halflings easily warm to creatures of other races that don’t try to do them harm, in large part due to the lack of guile that goes along with their innocent nature. Appearance doesn’t matter; what counts is a creature’s fundamental character, and if the halflings are convinced of a creature’s good intentions, they respond well. Halflings would welcome an orc with a good heart into their company and treat it as politely they would as an elf visitor. This openness doesn’t extend all the way to naiveté. Halflings won’t be taken in by merely a promise of good intentions, and their instinct for self-preservation makes them wary of any new “friend” that doesn’t come across as genuine. Although they might not be able to define the feeling, halflings sense when something isn’t quite right, keeping their distance from a questionable individual and advising others to do the same.   This aspect of the halfling mind-set accounts for what members of other races often characterize as courage. A halfling about to enter the unknown doesn’t feel fear as much as wonderment. Instead of being frightened, the halfling remains optimistic, confident of having a good story to tell when it’s all over. Whether the situation requires a rogue slipping into a dragon’s den or the local militia repelling an orc attack by refusing to yield, halflings surprise larger folk again and again with their unflappable nature.

Agriculture & Industry

Wheat, Barley, Hops, Rice, Potatoes, Fruit, Pipe Weed, Beef, Pork, lamb,  Vegetables, Spices, Wool, Ale, Cheese, Herbs, Clothing, Leather Goods, and Trade Goods

Trade & Transport

Halfling have established a vast trade network through out the realms of North Azure. Halfling's have traders and merchants in the major trade ports on the Sea of Azure and the Sappire Sea to get there products to foreign lands as well.
Founding Date
Native to Azure Unknown
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Leader Title
Economic System
Market economy
Neighboring Nations


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