Halflings Playable Species in YonZora | World Anvil

Halflings Playable

Anyone who has spent time around halflings, and particularly halfling adventurers, has likely witnessed the storied “luck of the halflings” in action. When a halfling is in mortal danger, it seems as though an unseen force intervenes. If a halfling falls off a cliff, her britches will snag on a root or a sharp outcrop of rock. If a halfling is forced by pirates to walk the plank, he will catch a piece of flotsam and use it to stay afloat until he is rescued. Halflings believe in the power of luck, and they abide by a great number of superstitions that they believe bring good or ill fortune. They attribute their unusual gift to the favor of Yondalla, believing that, now and then, the divine will of the goddess tips the balance of fate in their favor (or gives it a hearty shove when the occasion warrants).   One such hypothesis cites a legend that speaks of a document containing ancient elven writings — a series of essays spanning centuries. Among the many arcane and mundane topics addressed in this tome, the elves set down thoughts regarding the power of innocence. They recounted how they had long observed the halfling race, watching as the chaos of the world swept around them and left their villages untouched. While orcs, dwarves, and humans struggled, fought, and spilled blood to expand their territory, the elves noted that the halflings dwelled in a state of placid disregard, uncaring of the events of the world. They remarked on how the halflings enjoyed the simple pleasures of the moment, such as food and music, family, and friendship, and how they seemed to desire no more than that. The writers concluded that the halflings’ seemingly innate ability to sidestep turmoil and ill fortune could in fact be a special boon of nature, in recognition of the value of protecting the halflings’ worldview and to ensure that their unique place in the cosmos will be forever preserved.

Basic Information

Biological Traits

The comforts of home are the goals of most halflings’ lives: a place to settle in peace and quiet, far from marauding monsters and clashing armies; a blazing fire and a generous meal; fine drink and fine conversation. Though some halflings live out their days in remote agricultural communities,

Growth Rate & Stages

A halfling reaches adulthood at the age of 20 and generally lives into the middle of his or her second century.

Ecology and Habitats

A typical halfling village is a cluster of small, stone houses with thatched roofs and wooden doors, or burrows dug into hillsides with windows that look out onto gardens of flowers, beans or potatoes. Since a halfling community usually has less than a hundred members, cooperation is critical to their society, and each resident performs regular chores or offers benefits that support the population. One family might provide baked goods, while another one cobbles shoes or knits clothing. Generally, halflings in a village don’t produce goods for sale to outsiders, but they do love to trade, especially with visitors who have interesting items to swap.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Halflings have 1st and second meals of breakfast, lunch, and dinner.  This also includes snacks as well. The love to eat bacon and sausages with vegetables and their Ale's

Additional Information

Average Intelligence

Above Average.
Scientific Name
Native to Azure
Average Height
Halflings average about 3 feet tall
Average Weight
40 pounds.
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