
The Pharaoh is the leader of the realm of Zavabu.


The qulifications of a Pharoh is strong leadership and military skills.  The pharoh must come form a strong nobel family. There will be several famlies that will seek this position and title. Now if the current Pharoh who died has a son than if the Egyptian pantheons like him he will be selected as the next pharoh. Assassination plays a big role in this process as well.


The slected familes are brought before the temple of Rah and where they must present themselves to the Egyptian pantheons and prove thier worthness to be the next Pharoh of Zavabu.

Grounds for Removal/Dismissal

Death, poor leadership, dislike of the pantheons, and assassination.


-9000: Rhamsey clan begins conquring the southern tribes of Zavabu establashing the Cairo as their capital city. This would be the first Dynasty established in the Realm of Zababu. This dynasty was the first to start the pracatice that Egyptian Pantheons were the only true dieties and had all the power. This would also be the first Pharaoh.

Cultural Significance

The Pharaoh is considered the same as a King, Queen, or the Cseasar.

Notable Holders

Rhamsey was the first Dynstay and Pharoh of the Zavabu ruling for 500 years. The second longest reighn of a dynasty.   The Narmer family the 5th dynasty ruled for 5000 years. This was the longest dynasty to rule the realm of Sappire which included the region in the westerns hemisphere called Azure. The mysterious disappearence of the Pharaoh in the western hemishpere of Azure led to the fall of this dynsasty.   Ra-Amen-Anzu is the current Pharaoh of Zavabu 5th in this line of dynasty. He is currently 26
Nobility, Household


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