Rome S Azure Settlement in YonZora | World Anvil

Rome S Azure

The Capital city of Rome was established in -9795 AD by the newly declared Caesar Kaeso Antius Tarsicius.  The city was an established Egyptian city called Gonsum.  Gonsume was attacked first by the II and XI Legions when they first came ashore after a disastrous sea adventure. General Kaeso Antius Tarsicius thought he was on the coast of Sappire. Once Tarsicius realized that they were on a new continent he sent his two legions out to conquer the immediate area. Once he established a new area  to build a foundation of his empire he declared both legions as the Black Legion empire Renaming Gonsum to Rome.


Human blood lines of the two legions and the moon elves are free citizens of the Black Legion empire. Everyone else are citizens with little rights or they are slaves.


The Caesar rules with an iron fist. There is a senate in place that has authority and power and governs the Kingdome but ultimately the Caesar has the ultimate say in everything.

Industry & Trade

The city of Rome is a port city and trade with about everyone


Rome is known for there grains, grapes, fruit, and wines.
Founding Date
-9795 AD 19 Marpenoth


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