Swiftheart S Azure Settlement in YonZora | World Anvil

Swiftheart S Azure

Not much is know about the capital city of Swiftheart. Some say its a a big underground labyrinthine. Others say that it is above ground surrounded by hideous creatures that roam and grab innocent victims to feed the viscous beast with in.  All that is known is that it is the capital city of the viscous creatures know as minotaur's. These creatures created by cultist who were hoping to stop the spreading power of the Black Legion and the Dark moon empires in South Azure. This of coarse backfired on the cultist who were brutality to by the Moon Elves before the romans threw these cultist into the gladiator arenas to either die or be maimed for life by the very creatures they thought they could create and control. The one that survived the arenas were sent back to the moon elves where they were used for horrendous experiments.
Founding Date
-9000 AD
Inhabitant Demonym
Minotaur's, Roman Citizen's, Moon Elves, and a very Large slave population.
Ruling/Owning Rank


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