Vivienne Yellen

Vivienne Yellen is a drow bard and third eldest child of the Yellen family, one of the noble families within the Third D'Nalsi Empire. As her older sister Khione is set to inherit leadership of the family, Vivienne is able to dedicate her time to the bardic arts, as both a musician and as scholar. Through her studies, she has endeavored to create a operatic record of House Yellen, a goal that was cut short following her abduction. As of 4,735 AB (6E 20), her whereabouts remain uncertain.  


Early Life

Vivienne Belle Yellen is the daughter of Lydia Yellen, the matriarch of House Yellen, and Cigne Virvekh-Yellen, former general of the D'Nalsi Red Crest. Growing up as the third child of a noble family was considered the "best case" for noble children, as the child escapes the expectations that come with potentially inheriting the family legacy while still benefitting from the perks that come with their station. Life for Vivienne was little different, with her older siblings Khione and Orion carrying the brunt of her family's legacy. As a result, she spent much of her childhood playing with her younger siblings and other noble children, often leading the gaggle of unattended minors on rampages through House Yellen's palace.   She was extremely close with Cooper Jelahr, and his disappearance following the Kindros Uprising in 4,712 AB (5E 499) stuck with her for the rest of her life. For many years following his disappearance, Vivienne struggled to make new friends, even isolating herself in her room for months at a time on several occasions. During her periods of isolation, the only company she had were her books, tomes filled with stories of the ancient world and tales of triumphant heroes. The more she read, the more she became fascinated with the ideas of adventuring and trading stories with anyone she came across.  

Studying Song

When she was nineteen, Vivienne left the safety of her family's estate and enrolled at the Yclerrian Academy of the Bardic Arts, a bard's college in the city of Nexus. Initially there to study the ways of bardic storytelling, she soon also began studying the art of vocal performance after helping her classmate and friend, Sienna Korammenis, practice for her own audition to the program. After graduation, she was accepted into the Yclerrian Academy's Historical Preservation Society, a joint effort between the Grand Arcturian Academy and numerous bard's colleges to preserve Yrnath's history through bardic traditions. For her contribution to the Society, Vivienne set to work collecting the stories of House Yellen, hoping to encapsulate the family's legacy and their roles within the Empire's history within a series of operas.  


Her work was ultimately cut short, as in the year 4,734 AB (6E 19), Vivienne was abducted following the assassination of the empress of the Third D'Nalsi Empire during her coronation ceremony. As of writing, despite D'Nalsi authorities identifying those responsible for her disappearance, her whereabouts remain unknown.
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Date of Birth
5E 487