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Coven Academies

Written by CoolG1319

What Are They?

Scattered and isolated across Ysteria are three distinct towering castles that are almost taller than the surrounding trees. Surprisingly, these are actually schools! These institutions are known as coven academies, where young witches master their magic and form the backbone of magical education and learning.

Host Buildings

The buildings hosting these schools are tall, imposing Gothic castles whose spires nearly clear the giant trees they nestle in. These intimidating structures are characterized by soaring spires, pointed arches, and intricately carved stonework. These castles often feature dramatic flying buttresses, large stained-glass windows, and ornate gargoyles adorning their facades. The dark, weathered stone of the castle walls gives them a sense of ancient grandeur, while the towering turrets and battlements evoke a sense of mystery and power. Inside, you might find vaulted ceilings, narrow winding staircases, and expansive halls adorned with rich tapestries and elaborate chandeliers.
  The magnificent castles are comprised of twelve floors, encompassing a basement, expansive areas devoted to a spacious cafeteria, a multitude of classrooms, and numerous offices for the dedicated staff. Additionally, separate accommodations for students and staff members are situated in smaller, charming structures that blend harmoniously with the surrounding foliage.

The Big Three

Meliora’s School of Magic and Spells
The academy in question is the most renowned, and frankly infamous, of the three, known for its strict atmosphere and unforgiving Principal. Only the most talented students are admitted to this institution. The academy abides by the motto "Train Until Your Bones Ache," which emphasizes the necessity for students, referred to as Wise Willows to push themselves and strive for the pinnacle of magical proficiency, even to the point of physical discomfort. While this expectation typically applies to students from their fifth year onwards, it is not uncommon for lower-class students to be held to the same standard. Additionally, there is a strict code of conduct in place to ensure that disruptive behaviour and idling are kept to a minimum.
  Despite the demanding nature of the institution, Meliora's School of Magic and Spells boasts top-of-the-line facilities and reputedly serves the most exquisite and sumptuous meals.

Benedict Institution of Magic Academia
The academy is a beloved haven for children, with its inviting warm interior and charming decor designed to make every child feel right at home. Upon their arrival at the main building, new pupils, now called Brilliant Birches are personally greeted by Principal Birch, who then presents them with a basket of delicious home-cooked lunch before escorting them to their dorms. The dormitories, much like the main building, are adorned with vibrant colours and enchanting paintings, creating a cheerful and welcoming atmosphere.
  At this academy, the focus is on nurturing children with patience and care, fostering an environment where they can fully develop their magical abilities.

Tabitha’s Academy of Gifted Witches
The level of popularity of Tabitha's Academy of Gifted Witches among children is lower than that of the previous schools mentioned. However, it has two notable features: sports and extracurricular activities.
  The academy emphasizes improving children's magic through physical activities, puzzles, games, and more. As a result, the school hosts weekly sports practices and a bimonthly Showcase of Sports and Talents, where the pupils, known as Spirited Spruces, compete with those from other schools. The Spirited Spruces quickly became the most successful sports team, winning every single event over the course of thirteen years.
  In addition, twice every semester, Principal Spruce takes groups of pupils on excursions throughout Ysteria. During these excursions, she divides the pupils into smaller groups and assigns special tasks such as building small structures, creating artwork, and rounding up animals. These excursions provide the children with the opportunity to actively strengthen their magic in fun and creative ways.


Enrollment Process

The process for enrolling varies slightly depending on the school, but it generally follows these steps:
  The guardians of the prospective student, who must be at least ten years of age, schedule a meeting with the school's Principal. During the meeting, the child's magic type, current level of mastery, and potential for learning and improving their skills are thoroughly discussed. Sometimes, the child is also invited to the academy to take a pre-admissions exam.
  After the meeting, the Principal reviews the child’s academic record from their Beginner's School and discusses it with the staff. If the child is deemed qualified for admission, an admissions letter is sent to the address of the prospective student.
  The new student's uniform and wand are delivered a few days later.

What is Taught

Magic is the heart of Ysteria, shaping its essence. Understanding it is crucial for harmony, balance, and safeguarding its inhabitants. Young witches do not have full control over their magic, making them potentially dangerous to themselves and their surroundings. Hence, it is imperative that these children be taught how to keep it in check.
— Meliora Willow, Principal of Meliora’s School of Magic and Spells
The primary focus of these institutions is to train children to develop their magical abilities, but that doesn't mean that nothing else is taught. Each academy offers a wide variety of subjects besides the study of magic, including, but not limited to, mathematics, alchemy, English language studies, and carpentry. This ensures that students gain other necessary skills to lead independent lives.


No school is functional without staff.  

The Principals

Otherwise known as the owner of the institution. They run the school and staff and are directly responsible for all activities transpiring within the compound and the care and safety of the pupils.
Meliora Willow
A strict, no-nonsense middle-aged witch who is both feared and respected by everyone around her, Meliora always knows how to assert her authority and influence others. She expects nothing but the very best from her pupils and has little regard for their feelings about trying dangerous spells.
She demanded I try casting a Level 5 spell knowing full well I wasn’t ready for it. So, when I inevitably painfully broke both my hands, she just shook her head in disappointment and failed me!
— Gus Azure, an eighth-year pupil of Meliora’s School of Magic and Spells
Benedict Birch
He is generally a kind and lenient man who loves children, especially because he has kids of his own. He often gives his students sweets, toys, and home-baked treats every weekend, and as a result, they affectionately call him ‘Uncle Benny’. However, those closest to him notice a more unpredictable and less forgiving side during times of stress.
Whenever we saw Uncle Benny approaching us, we would huddle up and speculate what his gift could be. Candy? Carved wooden dolls? Slices of apple pie? We can never accurately guess because every single time, it would be something completely different! Like one time, we thought we’d get sweet berries but instead, we received a whole chocolate cake!!
— Cindy Maple, a first-year pupil of Benedict Institution of Magic Academia
Tabitha Spruce
She may seem like a sweet elderly lady who enjoys quietly rocking on her favourite rocking chair in front of the fireplace, knitting scarves and socks, and petting her grey tabby, Mitzy. However, during school sports events, this little old lady suddenly becomes full of energy. She participates in every single event, competing with other students and giving the opposing team a real challenge, all while wildly cackling in delight.
When it comes to sports, Elder Spruce joining is either the greatest blessing or the most devastating curse one could ever receive depending on if she’s on your team or not. If you’re on the team opposing her, be prepared to hear constant streams of unsettling, throaty cackling directed at you. Just a warning.
— Julie Merryweather, Headmistress of Sports at Tabitha's Academy for Gifted Witches

The Teachers

Teachers play a crucial role in the education and training of young witches. They are responsible for imparting knowledge about different types of magic, the history of magic and Ysteria, as well as essential skills such as potion making and the creation of magical charms. Their guidance is crucial in nurturing the talents and abilities of their pupils, and they play a key part in preparing the next generation of magic users for their roles in the enchanted world.

The Caretakers

The schools provide specialized support for pupils in years one through seven. These are formative years for the children, and it's important to create a caring and supportive environment for them. Caretakers are expected to be compassionate and provide positive role modelling for the pupils.


The uniforms worn by the staff and pupils of these prestigious institutions are incredibly elegant and fancy. They are meticulously crafted using the finest materials and feature intricate embroidery. The uniforms vary in appearance depending on the role of the staff, the class of the student and the academy they work or study in.


Dresses for girls, long-sleeved buttoned shirts with ankle-length skirts for boys and for both, knee-high stockings and tapestry scarves.


Long-sleeved, flowing robes stopping at the ankles, heeled (unless they are elderly) leather shoes with red buckles for females and black leather shoes with gold buckles. Teachers who have taught for more than ten years wear embroidered shawls over their robes.  


Their uniform is the same as the teachers’ except they wear scarves so long they almost touch the ground and special pins denoting their status.
Potential Plot Points
Discovery of Forbidden Material
The three principals are known for their intense rivalry, constantly trying to outdo each other during school events. However, tensions escalated dramatically when a tome containing forbidden spells was discovered at the Benedict Institution of Magic Academia, and Principal Willow was accused of placing it there to discredit the school.
  Sabotage Scandal
The 20th Annual Showcase of Sports and Talents unfolded as expected, with the Spirited Spruces defeating the Wise Willows by a significant margin. However, the Spirited Spruces unexpectedly began making critical errors, causing them to lose valuable points which the Wise Willows capitalized on. Ultimately, the Wise Willows secured the victory, marking the first loss for the Spirited Spruces in thirteen years.
  Accusations of potential sabotage quickly surfaced, with suspicions directed towards the Wise Willows, who had a history of not winning matches. There were speculations that the students, or even the Principal herself, had employed underhanded magic spells to hinder their opponents. Principal Willow vehemently denied these accusations, stating that her team had simply performed their best and that the Spirited Spruces were merely disgruntled about their loss.

The Coven's Sigil

All coven academies are required to possess the Coven's Sigil along with their own crest to show their status as a prestigious coven academy.
Education, Magic
Alternative Names
Magic Academies, Schools of Magic and Spells
Related Species

Cover image: Coven Academies banner by CoolG1319 via Canva


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Sep 18, 2024 08:24 by Annie Stein

Who doesn't love a witch coven/academy! The principles all have such strong personalities too. Nice work!

Creator of Solaris -— Come Explore!
Sep 18, 2024 10:22 by CoolG

Thank you nnie! They were quite fun to write ^^

Explore the dark and mysterious Inferncenem, the bright and wonderful Caelumen or the magical and fantastical Ysteria   Have a good one!   Feel free to check out my Substack: CoolG's Awesome Worlds! Join the Discord and chat with like-minded people!