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Written by CoolG1319

Content Warning
Mentions and display of rotting and decaying bodies.
Hyper-decay is very self-explanatory. It is a serious and incurable illness that is a result of overusing Decay Magic.


The sickness occurs in three progressively gruesome stages:  

Stage 1: Sporing

The witch slowly becomes aware of the upper layer of their skin peeling off, revealing green, blue, and purple flesh underneath. A foul smell of decaying flesh emanates from the exposed skin, while an unbearable itchiness becomes ever-present. However, hope lies in Green mushrooms, which have the power to heal the rotting skin.
Things only go downhill from here.
— Pfen

Stage 2: Fungification

The irreversible point of transformation commences with the rapid decay of their arms, gradually revealing the protruding bones. Subsequently, small mushrooms and assorted fungi emerge from the decaying flesh of the witch, swiftly spreading from the arms to the legs, torso, and ultimately the head.

These fungi infiltrate the skin, advancing towards the organs as they propagate, decomposing everything in their wake.

Stage 3: Zombification

At this stage, the witch has succumbed to the decay of her body. Only a skeleton remains, adorned with fragments of rotten flesh, hair, and nails.
Pretty grim, I know.
— Pfen


Really the simplest method is to force those born with Decay Magic to suppress it. It's harsh, yeah, but cases have plummetted thanks to this.
— Pfen

Cultural Reception

As the number of hyper-decay cases increased, the stigma around Decay Magic also grew. Witches suffering from this illness are swiftly taken to a remote part of the forest and abandoned to perish. However, if they are fortunate, they may come across a Green mushroom, which can cure them before they reach Fungification. In addition, The Council forbade the practice of Decay Magic and witches born with it were forced to master others to suppress it.
Chronic, Acquired
Affected Species
This type of magic is forbidden for a reason!
— A witch


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