BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


Written by CoolG1319

You find yourself in a dark forest with no recollection of how you got there. Well, it is not all dark; faint colourful sparkles float everywhere. You begin to look around and suddenly come face to face with a young girl wearing a flowing, silk, red dress and a matching pointy hat. Her hazel eyes twinkle with excitement and mischief and a friendly smile stretches across her face as she greets you.   "Hey, there traveller! I'm Pfen and I'll be your guide throughout your visit!"
Pfen is a young witch who makes it her mission to give anyone who somehow ends up in Ysteria a tour around the forest.


Your eyes move up and down the girl standing before you.
Pfen possesses an average height and a slender, subtly curved figure complemented by a rich brown complexion. Her indigo hair is neatly braided, and she wears butterfly-rimmed glasses that add to her bookish, schoolgirl look. With a round face adorned with soft features, Pfen's appearance exudes a sense of intelligence and youthfulness. Her bright hazel eyes always reflect a vibrant sparkle, showcasing her boundless excitement and insatiable curiosity.

Magic Type

The girl pulls out a wand from her pocket and smiles at you mischievously.
"You ready?"
Before you could even open your mouth, she waves her wand in a circle at her feet. A large circle of air is formed which then sweeps you and Pfen off the ground and lifts you above the forest.
The young witch possesses Air Magic, allowing her to manipulate air, create gusts of wind, and fly. Among her peers, she is the most experienced user of this magic. Her most notable feat is her ability to conjure small tornadoes and twisters with a flick of the wrist, using them to carry heavy objects and set them down safely.


You let out a sharp squeal when you look down at the top of the trees hundreds of metres below. Pfen laughs at your petrified expression, pushes her glasses up her nose and mocks you.
"Aww, are you scared of heights?"
Pfen is notorious for her sly manipulation of magic, often using it to play mischievous pranks on others. Whether it's blowing their belongings out of their hands or sending them flying into the air with her twisters, she takes great delight in their startled reactions (rest assured, she ensures they land unharmed). Additionally, she is incredibly cunning and skilled at deceiving her peers into carrying out various tasks or cheating them out of delicious pastries.

However, when in the company of her parents, teachers, and other adults, Pfen transforms into a completely different persona. She is courteous and considerate, frequently bestowing compliments and gifts of pastries and hand-knitted scarves upon them.

Authoring Stories and Fairy Tales

Aside from knitting and annoying her peers, Pfen's main hobby is writing books about the whimsical adventures of various fantastical and mystical creatures. She would then give these books to random children, who eagerly accepted them. Eventually, she decided to turn this into a small business.

With the help of a friend who had Nature Magic, Pfen set up a small stall beside her hut and filled thirty large books with collections of her fairy tales. Soon, children were flocking to the stall, dragging their parents along and begging them to buy a book. The books would sell out in as little as two to four days. To keep up with demand, Pfen would write 40 books a day, though the task was easier and faster with her friend's help.
Friendly Mischievous
Current Status
Guiding you through Ysteria!
Wide hazel eyes
Neatly braided, medium-length, indigo hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Light brown skin


Author's Notes

This is the 16th Summer Camp article, meaning that I have surpassed my goal of Copper and hit Silver!! I can't believe I did it! When the prep first started, I was really nervous about not having any ideas (this is my first one!) and the first theme didn't ease my nerves. But thankfully, there were lots of people in the community that reassured me, saying I would do great and encouraged me to be creative and write. Now, I have not only reached but surpassed my goal, written great and high-quality (at least in my opinion) articles and fleshed out every world whilst doing so. 
  To everyone who helped, Mochi, Nincho, Haly, Hanhula, and others too many to name, thank you for making my first Summer Camp awesome <3
— CoolG1319

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Aug 3, 2024 23:33 by Mochi

I love her! I bet she'd be fun to hang out with. Unless she just pranked you all the time.   P.S. I have featured this in my Reading Challenge article! <3

I hope you have a great day!   Explore the endless planets brimming with life of the Yonderverse! Go after creatures, discover new places, and learn about the people you find along the way.   Check out my Institutes of Learning Challenge entry!
Aug 4, 2024 09:46 by CoolG

So glad you love her ^^

Explore the dark and mysterious Inferncenem, the bright and wonderful Caelumen or the magical and fantastical Ysteria   Have a good one!   Feel free to check out my Substack: CoolG's Awesome Worlds! Join the Discord and chat with like-minded people!