Asxeni Species in Yukiverse | World Anvil


The Asxeni are a Sovereign species. Neither Pirate nor Allied Space have entertained the notion of annexing the species nor treating with them beyond initial excursions to the region given the chaotic reputation of their territory. From what data has been shared by the Asxeni widely believed that deep space quantum experiments have led to the downfall of a species neighboring their system, and the resulting field around their territories is far too unpredictable for stable occupation.   Reports vary as to the nature of these quantum anomalous zones, and many questions remain as to how the Asxeni function. But due to the potential harm, no commercial vessel is allowed within 2.1 parsecs of Asxeni space.
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(Ex. Reptillian-Hominid, Pesca-Hominid, Humanoid, Gelatinous, etc.)
Average height

(Ft/In or M/CM)
Hair color

(Ex. Brown, black, blonde, red)
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking

(Ex. Brown skin, black fur, green scales)

(Ex. Amber, brown, green)

(Ex. Horns, mandibles, tendrils)

(Ex. Omnivore, carnivore, planktivore)

(Ex. Silvarik, chuulugi, bthttk, plobba, zb'vbuvu, encrypt, jabbarum)
Galactica scale

(Ex. Primitive, spacefaring, civilized, sovereign, transcendent)

(Ex. Alive, endangered, extinct)

First appearance

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