Galactica Species Classifications Language in Yukiverse | World Anvil

Galactica Species Classifications

The Galactica Scale is the level of categorization used by the Allied Galactica to determine a species' level of sentience based on their technological advancement. Usually to determine the quality of said race, what they will bring to their civilization, and procedure when dealing with them.  


A species no longer in existence in any form.  


A nascent intelligent species, that has demonstrated sentient intelligent practices (mastery of fire and/or tools), but may not definitively become the dominant genome of its branch of evolution (take Cromagnon Humans versus Neanderthal Humans for instance). Interference from an external species could be catastrophic at this stage, as they may not have fully evolved mentally or physically into a species responsible enough to live in society or wield technology and may be beholden to primal instinct.  


A species that has achieved some form of written language, civilization, recorded history, science, art, and philosophy. Though many primitives are capable of acclimatizing to galactic civilization, their culture as a whole has yet to earn the responsibility and perspective of wielding their own technology.  


A species that has attained and demonstrated by the means to travel beyond their solar system. In other words, they've made it this far without destroying themselves, and attained some level of functioning society and responsibility with their technology, nor had their evolution interfered with externally, and are therefore eligible for first contact and membership in the Allied Galactica.  


A spacefaring level species that has been accepted into the wider Allied Galactica. They've agreed to a certain exchange of information and data, a maintained relationship with neighboring solar systems as well as a "mutual relationship" with the wider Galactica, sanctions against any superweapons, and an electable membership to the Allied Senate pending 239 years of membership. Its citizens can also join its military ranks and run for various offices in Allied systems.   This is the case with some species and how the Allied Galactica presents itself. However, the Galactica rarely takes no for an answer. Especially when dealing with a species that controls a desirable resource or could join up with a Sovereign species. Not joining the Allied Galactica could come with severe consequences.   Examples: Human,


One of seven founding species in the Allied Galactica. A species with representatives chosen to participate in more comprehensive Galactic affairs, military, legislative, and judicial through the Prime Council. Their decisions may override that of the Senate and decisions by regional system governments. Their justification for absolute control is that they have centuries of experience and responsibility for interstellar travel, galactic warfare, and governing. That, or they want to ensure their dominance over the Galactica.   Examples: Silvari, Y'coni, Jabbarian.


A spacefaring level species that control multiple solar systems or whose civilization already spans intelligent species beyond their own, whether as equals or as vassals.   Sovereign races are the greatest threat to the Allied Galactica, and are, therefore, usually left alone. Especially when aggression can push them into an alliance with other Sovereign races or, worse, System Lords.   Examples: Kaechulugg, Comaxi, Daimyar (prior to 2629).  

Special Classifications


A pre-spacefaring species that have had contact with a more advanced species and thus has had their society "externally progressed". Exprogs include those that have been gifted technology by spacefaring races had been enslaved by a sovereign species or had discovered technology left behind by other species.   Many species are theorized to be exprog and not even know it, with their governments hiding technologies attained from other races. This theory used to fan the flames of xenophobia among many Allied species, exemplified in the "Hypothorgan effect".   The classification exprog comes with a lot of baggage. Exprogs are known by reputation as under-evolved. Serving on pirate crews as "cavemen with guns" (the Kruxak is a notorious example). Paghs on the other hand, had their entire evolution externally progressed.   Examples: Pagh, Narn, Kruxak.  


A species that has in some way or another enhanced its state of consciousness through transhumanist means. Existing as a shared consciousness via genetic engineering or virtual singularity. Transcendent species are protected by the Allied Galactic Federation, though they don't participate in Allied politics much on account of not having bodies. They are also known for being somewhat fragile or unstable. Transcendent species the Alvonath floated across neutral space as a ball of pure energy before passing through an electromagnetic wave that erased half the species' consciousnesses. One transcendent species, the Rahnsm, was wiped out after catching a deadly virus from the file "NARNPILOTSXXX.exe".  
"WAIT!? You opened an executable file!? Do those even exist anym--"  
  • Final communication log of the now-extinct Rahnsm
  • Examples: Alovanath, Rahnsm