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Astral Plane


  The Astral Sea or the Astral Plane is a fundamental plane of existence that is an endless sea of space. It is here that the Aether , alternatively called Mana, originates and drawn from into the Material Plane. All physical objects create shadowy representations of themselves in astral space. Living things have brighter forms on the astral plane, which is called an aura. The awaken have auras that are brighter and more colorful than their mundane counterparts. Nothing has a "physical" presence in astral space unless it has an astral form, though even then, nothing is truly physical on the astral.  


  One can journey into the Astral Plane through the ritual of Astral Projection. In this process, a mage can separate their astral form from their physical form. This is only freely accessible to incredibly powerful spellcasters or have an innate connection with the plane. It frees the spellcaster from their physical limitations and projects their very psyche into the astral. This allows them to move at the speed of thought. It is possible for non-magicians and the mundane to astrally project if included in the ritual casting of the spell or near an astral rift. However, one must be aware that the death of your psyche renders your body a thoughtless husk and considered to be brain-dead.  


  The Astral Plane has the following traits:  
  • Subjective Directional Gravity: A traveler picks a "down" direction and "falls" in the direction until a new direction is chosen.
  • Timeless: The effects of time are suspended until the traveler exits the Astral Plane, whereupon the effects retroactively occurred.
  • Enhanced Magic: Spells and spell-like abilities require less time to be cast.
  Spells on the astral plane can only be mana spells and cannot interact with the physical plane unless targeting something with an astral form. Targeting a mundane's aura is not enough to establish the link to cast a spell, for example. Likewise, a spell cast on the physical plane cannot affect the astral plane, though the spell will leave disturbances in the ambient mana, which will leave a magician's astral signature in astral space.
Metaphysical, Astral

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