Clara Veldasquo Character in Yumurta | World Anvil
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Clara Veldasquo

Wife of Roger Veldasquo and mother of Radnor, Ilaria, and Elena Veldasquo.

Physical Description

Apparel & Accessories

Like her husband, Clara wears fine clothes befitting of a noblewoman, usually in the form of dresses and gowns.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Clara Veldasquo was born to a minor noble family in Azur'Nethal. As she grew up, her family fell into decline, and lost most of their wealth. In a bit to save themselves from financial ruin, Clara was married off to the young head of an increasingly wealthy and socially rising merchant family, trading their noble connections for increased financial stability.   Clara was not a particularly rebellious girl, so she didn't oppose her parents' arranged marriage, and managed to become fond of the handsome and ambitious Roger. They had three children: Radnor, Elena, and Elena.   When Azur'Nethal was conquered by Emperor Leonidas, Clara's original noble household, stark traditionalists and once slave owners, used all of their power to resist the changes put in place. As such, their house was dissolved, their assets seized, and all of the remaining members were pressed into military service. Roger protected Clara from her family's self-destruction, but it hurt her dearly that they disowned her before being dissolved. If any members of her family survived, they did not return to the All Capitol.


Clara was very well educated as an Azur'Nethal noblewoman.


Family Ties

Clara and her husband Roger are not very affectionate, but respect each other as trusted friends. She seems to respect him and his wishes.   As a mother, Clara has usually been kind, but relatively passive and distant. She has largely looked to her husband for decisions regarding their children's education and career, and has mostly tried to help smooth his desires over with the needs of the children.   Recently, she has seemed even more distant and spacey, forgetting important things such as her childrens' birthdays.
Current Location
Date of Birth
9th of Giants, 3118
Dark Blue
Long, Light Blonde
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale White

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