The All Capital Settlement in Yumurta | World Anvil
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The All Capital

The All Capitol
The Capitol of the Empire of All.
  The capitol city of the Empire, as well as the largest, most diverse city in the known world. It was originally the city-state of Azure'Nethal: the Jewel of the Great Oasis, before it was conquered by Emperor Leonidas in 3147 WC. Since then, it has grown into the crown jewel of the Empire, a microcosm of what the Empire represents: Diversity, Acceptance, and most of all, Order.   The city itself is located in the center of the Sen'Sarat Desert, with almost nothing but sandy wastes for miles around a shining oasis.


All races of the world find home in the All Capitol. Many races that were oppressed or reviled in other regions have flocked to the Empire, specifically, this city, causing it's massive expansion.


As the capitol city, the city is ruled directly by the administrative body of the Empire itself. In addition to housing the main government for the entire empire, the city has a sizable government of its own: a committee of officials tasked with ruling the city.


The city is contained with the huge, sun-baked walls that surround it, which have had to be demolished and rebuilt several times even over the short-lived life of the Empire. A much smaller, internal ring also surrounds the center of the city, where the main government buildings sit, including the Emperor's palace, an awe-striking building capped with a shining gold dome.   As the city was built to border the huge crescent-shaped lake for which it was originally named, a large portion of the city has actually grown over and underneath the lake's surface. An entire district exists underneath the water, where the majority of the city's aquatic-based races call home.


As Azur'Nethal, the city had a very different reputation. An almost entirely human city, Azur'Nethal stood as a jewel among the chaotic war-torn regions south of Grattenmar. Despite being a city state with little territory, Azur'Nethal was feared by its neighbors. It had great wealth from the rich veins of gold and jewels under the sands, and a strong military in the form of the Azure Army. Its location was also unreasonably favorable, controlling the largest oasis in a merciless desert. Kingdoms came and went around the city, but the city remained stable, often placing other small nations under its thumb or starting yet more conflict to maintain its favorable position.   All of its wealth and power, though, was earned on the backs of slaves. Azur'Nethal had the largest numbers of slaves, most of them non-human, and employed hundreds of horse-backed slavers to catch them from all across the south. They used slaves for everything from manual labor, to fighting, to gladiator matches for entertainment. While not from the city himself, Emperor Leonidas was once a slave from one of their controlled territories.
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