Fir Character in Yumurta | World Anvil
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Ira's mother, and a powerful Druid in her own right. Fir played a tense role in the search for the Star Stones, being an unwitting puppet for Harlequin after being corrupted by a cursed mask of his. After having her memories restored by, and forgiven by her daughter, she dedicated her life to being a mother to the child she'd abandoned and finding redemption with the druids of Strix Nebulosa.  


  Fir fulfilled her promise to both Ira and Milla, dedicating her life to redemption, and her daughter. She moved into and cared for Milla’s old home, tending to the animals and the garden in her spare time. Dominic didn’t give her much of that, however, intent on making her Community Service truly a servitary position. There was no end of things to do, between teaching new young druids, many of them tieflings, repairing the damaged forests, setting up the sister campus in Casal Issilideth as well as integrating the visiting wizards in an exchange program, and doing whatever other grueling task Dominic could think of in the moment. Fir occupied some shadowy grey area between right-hand advisor and errand girl for Dominic. There never seemed to be a lack of things to do, and Dominic seemed intent on pushing as much of his work and responsibilities onto Fir’s shoulders, while cheekily keeping all of the credit and decision making for himself.   Fir found herself missing the sweet release of death at times, but eventually, she came to find fulfillment in her crazy busy schedule. One day she woke up and realized that a hole inside her heart, that had been there for as long as she could remember, a craving for something more, had been filled by the satisfaction of the things she accomplished and the people she helped. When she told Dominic this, who over a century had become more of a friend and colleague rather than boss, cheekily claimed this was his plan all along and gave Fir no end of grief.   Not even Dominic, however, took Fir away from spending as much time with Nina as possible. And this she did, being around Nina as often as her daughter would allow, to make up for time lost and become closer with her. She focused every bit of her great intellect, and the kindness and compassion she emulated from Milla, into forming a strong bond with her daughter, and succeeded. Just as Fir’s mother, and Milla said, that bond with Nina really was the piece of herself Fir had always been searching for, and she treasured it, letting it transform her into a better person than she’d ever thought she’d be. While she always stayed a little reckless and headstrong, Fir changed more than most, redeeming herself in all eyes but her own, always pushing herself to be more.   Though it took quite a bit of convincing, and working past her sense of guilt (mostly from Ira), Fir did eventually marry Intevar, and found some happiness of her own as well. The two researched together for centuries, discovering all sorts of new (dangerous) magical secrets.   Other than a newfound distaste for clowns and theater, Fir seemed completely recovered from her brush with Harlequin and the dark fey.
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