Strix Nebulosa Settlement in Yumurta | World Anvil
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Strix Nebulosa

An elvish druid commune in the southern part of Issilidor, nearly as old as Issilidor itself. It is an academic haven and peaceful community that lives in harmony with nature. What few buildings exist in the commune are individual houses and huts spread out through a large portion of the forest, with many natural spaces for teaching and learning.


Wood Elves make up the majority of the commune's small population. Many of them come from long families of druids, but it is also common for Wood Elves throughout Issilidor to send orphans, or academically-minded children, to be raised communally by the druids.   High Elves are few among the druids. What handful there are usually immigrated from the capitol in search of a different lifestyle.   Tieflings: Recently, a small group of 438 Tiefling refugees from the Empire have come into the protection of the commune. Many of them are seeking new homes among the villages of Issilidor, but some intend to stay permanently in Srix Nebulosa, learning to be druids themselves.


Strix Nebulosa has no formal form of government. In theory, it is in the domain of the council of Issilidor, but has historically been independent of the distant capital. As a communal academic village, what few decisions that need to be made are made as a group, with added sway given to the wisdom of elders. The village's leader, so to speak, is the Arch Druid who mostly gives guidance and settles disputes among individuals. For 10,000 years since the village's inception, Grand Master Seibar held this position. Shortly before his passing, he named his young student Dominic as his successor.


Strix Nebulosa is almost as old as Issilidor itself. It was established by Grand Master Seibar himself after he crossed over from the Fey Wild alongside Eldanna herself. Since then, it has stayed largely the same, with Seibar teaching generations of druids.


The commune is located on the border between the Evergreens of Issilidor and the tall deciduous forests of Nelleneth. As such, the region it is in is a beautiful mixed arctic forest that is warm in the summer, but snowy in the winter.
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