Garnen Swual Character in Yumurta | World Anvil
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Garnen Swual

A bounty hunter and leader of Cursed. Most people never see his face, due to the special Cable-Suit and gas-mask he always wears while on the job.

Physical Description

Facial Features

Under his mask, Garnen has a surprisingly handsome and youthful face, with thin, dark eyes.

Special abilities

Garnen wears and is trained to use a specialized combat suit made for him by Herman. The "Cable Suit" consists of
  • A grey bodysuit covered in several light, protective metal plates.
  • A round, metal backpack enchanted with elemental magic to produce steam, which powers the suit's system. This backpack regularly vents steam to maintain correct pressure.
  • An exoskeleton that runs along the wearer's limbs and neck. This enhances the user's strength and agility, along with bracing the user's body against the forces caused by the cable launchers.
  • A cable-launcher on each hand, which fires thick metal cables at high speed. These cables are capable of piercing and attaching to stone walls, and pull the user towards them at high speed, allowing the user to maneuver around 3D urban environments.
  • A pop-out wrist crossbow with hand-crank for rapid loading and fire.
  • A wrist-mounted net launcher.
  • A leather gas-mask with crystal lenses and a magical breath filter. Protects the user from toxic fumes and allows mild visibility in gas or fog.
  • A belt of smoke and gas grenades.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Garnen grew up as a son of a prostitute in Seagale, in Grattenmar. His mother died of abuse and illness at a young age, and he learned to do what he had to to survive. Thieving and killing for coin. Eventually, he left Seagale and assembled a team when he was still a teenager, gathering the other members of Cursed from powerful outcasts across Grattenmar. At some point, they came to the Empire.

Personality Characteristics


According to himself, Garnen grew up in poverty in an unnamed city. He struggled to get by, until one day he found out people will pay you to kill people. He's been a hired blade ever since, trying to make it rich. He has no family or attachments outside of his team.
Current Location
Year of Birth
3144 26 Years old
Black and Messy
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Slight Tan

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