General Hrexen Character in Yumurta | World Anvil
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General Hrexen

A female hobgoblin general of The Empire of All, known for her exceptional diplomatic skills. Despite being a military general, she tends to peacefully negotiate other nations to joining the Empire, even during Emperor Leonidas's time. She is the only general who fought in the battle of Casal Issilideth to be brought back to life on orders by Trisha. She was resurrected partly for her diplomatic skills and tenure for peaceful resolution, partly for her experience as a general, and partly as a consolation for the hobgoblins in Kuravale, which helped persuade them to not secede.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

Hrexen has an eyepatch and a prosthetic leg. She wears her hair in a tight black bun.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Hrexen was once a beuracrat in Kuravale before the Empire's invasion. During the war with the Empire, she was one of the few who saw the threat that the Empire really was, and tried to convince her fellow hobgoblins to not fight them. The people of Kuravale were proud though, and underestimated how determined the Empire was to conquering their lands, and refused to surrender long after it was clear who the victor was.   In the end, it was only due to Hrexen making a deal with General Edith Checkovitch that Kuravale got to keep a mild independence and the aspects of their culture that would have been more problematic in the eyes of the Empire, such as the ritual cannibalism and their unique gender roles. Part of the deal was becoming a general of the empire personally. This was hard for her, as she hated war and the horrors it could bring, and would now be forced to repeatedly do what she'd been forced to do to her people, convince others that they were doomed and to give in peacefully to their new rulers.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation

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