The Empire of All Organization in Yumurta | World Anvil
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The Empire of All

Empire of All
A map of the territory of the Empire of All after the secessions post war with the Elven Court.
  The Great Empire. A nation to unify all mortal races under one banner, and bring an end to all conflict and hatred. As new as it is vast, the Empire has expanded rapidly in all directions, seeking to one day unify the entire world.   Imperial Handbook:



The Empire has many official branches of its government, all of which answer directly to the Empress:
  • Imperial Militarum: The military. Led by a council of generals, trains, organizes, and deploys the Imperial Army, Navy, and Special Forces. Once, it had absolute power over the others, but its political power has been severely reduced.
  • Imperial Legistratus: In charge of the laws and courts of the Empire.
  • Imperial Judicarius: The judicial body of the Empire. In charge of law enforcement, judgement, and being a checks and balance on the Legistratus.
  • Imperial Treasoria: In charge of the treasury, minting coinage, and making the Imperial Budget
  • Imperial Magistratum: In charge of magic in the Empire, including registering magic users, magic items, and conducting official magical research.
  • Imperial Regisorum: In charge of overseeing religion in the Empire. Once, it was charged with hunting down devil worship and had military forces, but now it mainly concerns itself with making sure religious practices stay within imperial laws, and distributing public funding for temples and religious events.
  • Imperial Acadetio: Charged with education in the Empire, including building schools, managing the curriculum, and providing methods of higher education.
  • Imperial Voluntathum: The newest branch of government. In charge of managing the Empire's required civil service program.


Every major region in the Empire also has a regional governor who manages it and meets for regular council meeting with the Empress. Governors are technically members of the Imperial Legistratus, but are not part of the direct decision making board. Originally appointed by the Emperor in the era of Leonidas, they are now mostly elected. Most regions were previously nations in their own right, before being brought under Imperial rule, and so have their own unique identities and cultures. The All Capitol is considered a region in its own right and does not fall under any other.
  • Ahbastian Coast: A rocky, mountainous coastal region on the empire's eastern edge. It's capitol, Ahbastar, was the center of the Imperial Navy, and is still the largest shipping port for northern goods. Governed by Governor Atrokyns 
  • Burugashi Jungle: Southeast of the Sen'Saret desert, a thick, mostly untamed jungle inhabited by lizardfolk and other reptilian creatures. Governed by Governor Grendela 
  • Fennis Peninsula: The mountainous, cold southern peninsula region. Once a loose confederacy of hobgoblin tribes. Governed by Governor Hrenkahn 
  • Greater Amolai: A hilly horseland north of the Sen'Saret desert. The combination of many once small human kingdoms and fiefdoms lumped together culturally. Governed by Governor Richard York 
  • The Clay Coast: An arid, clay-covered coastland on the Empire's western edge. Governed by Governor Kejaw 
  • Heartland: A fertile plain to the west of the Sen'Saret desert. Home to most of the Empire's major food production. Governed by Governor Minjar Stoutspeaker 
  • Sen'Saret Regions: A general term to describe the many regions that make up the great Sen'Sarat Desert that occupies most of the Empire's central landmass. This area consists of over a dozen distint regions, each with their own governors, made from the warring small kingdoms and city-states. The All-Capitol is within this area, though considered its own region.
  • Southern Grattenmar Regions: half a dozen or so regions made from the primarily human kingdoms south of Grattenmar

Public Agenda

The Empire exists for the sole purpose of world unification. It seeks to end all racial and religious discrimination, as well as political conflict, but uniting all of mortal-kind under a single banner. Through the Empire, the True Civilization will be established, and world order created.


The Empire controls vast coffers of wealth due to the precious metals found in the Sen'Sarat Desert, as well as taken from conquered nations, and taxed from Imperial citizens. The Empire has a significantly higher tax rate than other nations, due to the vast costs of its military and public services. Its military assets are correspondingly large, with hundreds of thousands of soldiers, fine weapons, and huge golden warships.



The Empire was founded in 3147 WC (now 1 PE) in the Sen'Sarat Desert on the Southern end of the Tutogh continent. Before the Empire, the region was a den of chaos, a collection of short-lived kingdoms engaged in constant war with one another. Then, Emperor Leonidas appeared as if from nowhere, leading an army of Orcs, Goblinoids, and Ogres. He marched his forces on the largest city in the south, Azur’Nethal, the Jewel of the Great Oasis. The Azure Army was great, but disorganized and weary from the constant conflict, while Leonidas's forces were as one. In a mere two weeks, he took the city, but instead of the slaughter the people of the city expected, he seized power peacefully, sparing the rest of the military and government and declaring the entire population to be equal citizens under his rule. It was then that Leonidas showed them the truth: that the races that marched with him were not monsters, but those discarded from society. Then, on the first day of the new year, Leonidas renamed the city the All Capitol, declaring the foundation of the Empire, while his subjects named him the True Emperor of All.  


In the seven years since its founding, the Empire has seen unparalleled growth. In a series of campaigns led by Emperor Leonidas himself, all four teen kingdoms of the Sen'Sarat Desert were unified under the Empire, bringing peace and order to the region at long last. The Empire currently controls the entire Southern Peninsula, nearly half a continent, and borders the central kingdom of Grattenmar . Nearly thirty million people of twenty different races call the Empire home. These are titanic accomplishments, but the Empire’s mission will not be complete until all the realm is unified as one.  


After the death of Emperor Leonidas in the battle of Casal Issilideth in 3155, Trisha Alrestrauch took the Imperial Throne as Empress. She implements sweeping changes to the Empire in order to end the wars ravaging the continent and bring the Empire closer to the utopia that she and Leonidas imagined.
  • She ceases all military expansion and massively demilitarizes the Empire. She declares that the goal of world unification hasn’t changed, but that it must come through peaceful means, and showing the world that we should all work together for the good of all.
  • Formerly conquered regions are allowed to secede, provided the population wants to leave and have a plan for peaceful establishment of government and will continue to uphold racial and religious tolerance. The following regions eventually secede: Nordheim, Albein, Grattenmar, Brekor.
  • All forms of soul contracts and soul removing punishments are removed.
  • Required military service is broadened to allow any form of civil service. Military service as a required punishment is also removed and punishments across the board are relaxed.
  • All forms of unequal treatment for Tieflings are removed, with reparations paid to Tieflings affected. Tieflings who were sterilized are regenerated with help from the druids of Issilidor. As many as possible are resurrected.
  • Regulation of magic is relaxed, but not removed. Similarly study of demonic is allowed under controlled settings. Erathis is dropped as the official religion, instead adopting a policy of true religious equality, favoring no faith over another. The grand temple to Erathis in the All Capital is renovated to a shrine of all recognized faiths within the Empire.
Due to her sweeping changes and the circumstances of her rise to power, many oppose her rule, in spite of Leonidus’s efforts to set things up for his succession. The Empire spends many years dealing with insurrections from Generals opposed to her demilitarization, religious extremists opposed to the freedom for Tieflings, and human groups hoping to re-establish the old kingdoms.

Demography and Population

The Empire of All exists for the sake of all mortal races, regardless of appearance, ancestry or reputation. All those who serve the Empire and call it home are full and equal citizens, and shall be treated as such by the Law and their fellow citizens.
  From its size and acceptance of all races, the Empire claims citizens of every mortal race. Different regions of the Empire may have a majority of one race or another, but it is not uncommon to even see so-called "monstrous races" walking the streets of Imperial cities.   Still, there are some races that are more common than others. The Empire has an especially large number of humans, hobgoblins, and dwarves, due to conquering large nations of those races in particular.  

Tiefling Prejudice - (Leonidus Era)

Due to the Empire's policy on demonic influences, Tieflings remain an unfortunate exception to the Empire's racial equality. Due to fears of possible demonic corruption, Tieflings in the Empire's borders are stricken of certain rights. They are forbidden to reproduce, and are assigned government positions where they can be closely monitored.   Once, Tieflings were also the subject of cruel experiments for the purpose of removing the demonic influence from their bodies. These experiments were conducted by Dr. Wycema, in his lab in the Doom Vault, with only minor oversight. However, these experiments were stopped by Raina Tallatina, Opal, and Ira, who killed Dr. Wycema, destroyed the lab, and freed the Tiefling subjects being kept there. This information became semi-public after that, and the Imperial council is currently re-evaluating Tiefling's place in the Empire.


The Empire controls nearly the entire Southern Peninsula of the continent of Tutogh. The main territory of the Empire, is made from the scattered kingdoms of the Sen'Sarat Desert, which houses The All Capital in its center. They also claim the badlands to the south, and the Fennis Penninsula, the snowy high-altitude homeland of many hobgoblin tribes. To the North, they claim once-fractured grassland kingdoms south of Grattenmar, as well as more fertile lands to the west, extending all the way to the southwestern   During Emperor Leonidus's time, the Empire claimed the lands of Albien, Heimdar, and Brekor, but all three nations seceded with permission from Empress Trisha.  

Major Territories

  Sen'Sarat Desert: A once-scattered collection of fourteen human kingdoms. Albein Kuravale


"We shall be a Legion of Order, an army like no other. All will serve."
The Empire is primarily a military state. The Military is the largest and most powerful branch of the Empire's government, with its generals making up most of the ruling administrative council. It has the largest military in the world, powered by the vast wealth and population of the massive nation. Extremely disciplined and well trained, as well as numerous, the Empire's military has been unmatched in its few years of existence. Due to the Empire's required service policy, the military also extends to various forms of public service, such as law enforcement, and logistical work.  

Current Generals:

  • General Hrexen - Female Hobgoblin General. Known for her diplomatic skills. Revived to be a general with Trisha
  • General Gilblax - Goblin general. Green-yellow skin, one of the loyalist generals. Wears a fancy cape.
  • General Zenshua - Tiefling male general. Bright orange skin and blue lips. A Trisha appointee post-rebellion as a show of acceptance.
  • General Loofa - Female Loxodon general. She's a gentle soul that advocates caution and patience. Another Trisha appointee.
  • General Durigreck Drakegranite - Male Duergar/Fire Genasi general. His bright red beard is always on fire.
  • General Falkarth - Female Gold Dragonborn general. Another loyalist.

Required Public Service

One of Empress Trisha's reforms was large-scale demilitarization of the Empire. While the Empire does still have a sizable military, military service is no longer required of its citizens. She replaced it with a much broader "Public Service" requirement, allowing citizens to choose from a variety of work to serve the public good, such as construction of public works, helping the poor, and police service. Similarly, the punishments for dodging public service have been significantly relaxed. She also instituted the option to perform public service at "Part Time", allowing many to complete their public service while also pursuing work or schooling, so as not to disrupt ordinary life, as opposed to the full-time commitment that military service used to be. As such, many schools offer volunteering opportunities so youths can get their service hours in early.    

Required Military Service - (Leonidus Era)

The Empire once required military service from its citizens. Empress Trisha reformed these   All able-bodied citizens of the Empire will be required to enlist in military service for the betterment of All. The True Civilization will only come about under the combined efforts of all its members. Every citizen will be required to serve a single military term in their youthful years. Due to physiological differences, the age and minimum term of service have been separated by race (see chart below). Assignment and service location will be determined based on need, skill, and discretion of commanding officers. One requested reassignment is allowed per enlisted soldier, except in cases of extreme need. Enlistees from newly acquired regions will not be required to fight against their previous nation or people, and will be assigned elsewhere. Citizens may be exempted from enlistment for disabilities, illness, or new or expected parenthood. There are many ways to serve the Empire. Other forms   of service will be substituted, including but not limited to: weapons production, construction, medical work, or recruiting. All forms of dodging enlistment through bribery, impersonation, fleeing, self-harm, or pregnancy with the intent of avoiding military service will be punished with a minimum of 500 gp in fees or two years imprisonment, and three terms of required military service. Enlistees are paid 30gp/month and can reach the maximum rank of Company Sergeant. Enlistees may also volunteer for additional terms after their required service, with a minimum pay of 45gp/month and no maximum rank.   Race | Service Age | Term of Service
Human / Hobgoblin / Bugbear / Dragonborn / Goliath / Tabaxi | 18-24 | 4 Years
Orc / Half-Orc / Lizardfolk 15-20 3 Years
Goblin | 10-15 | 3 Years
Elf | 120-180 | 20 Years
Half-Elf | 24-36 | 6 Years
Halfling | 24-40 | 8 Years
Dwarf | 55-80 | 10 Years
Kobold | 8-14 | 5 Years
Gnome | 45-85 | 12 Years
Ogre | 5-8 | 2 Years

Technological Level

Pushed by the frequent war of their early days, the Empire is one of the most scientifically advanced nations in the world, developing revolutionary innovations in armor, metallurgy, construction, and explosives and firearms. Though some of that progress was slowed by Trisha's demilitarization, most notably the development of firearms, Trisha has made sure to push a significant portion of the Empire's budget, once used by the military, for scientific advancement.


The Just Gods live in harmony among the heavens. So shall we on Earth.
Worship of any and all divine beings are permitted within the Empire, save those of Abyssal or Hellish origin. All religious practices, displays, and holy days will be permitted and respected by the Law and its citizens, barring the violation of laws or rights of others. Locations and artifacts deemed religiously significant shall be preserved and exempted from certain taxation and public obligations.  

Official Religion (Leonidus Era)

  The official divine of the Empire is Erathis, the God of Law and Civilization. Citizen are not required to visit temples or attend religious services, but must acknowledge Erathis’s existence and divinity.   A fund will be reserved consisting of three percent of The Imperial Budget to be used for the preservation and promotion of religious practices, including but not limited to: building of temples, funding of holidays, printing of religious texts, and sponsorship of religious figures. In newly acquired regions,this fund will also be used to establish Temples of Erathis in newly acquired regions. Appeals for religious funding can be made to the Regional Governor and Imperial Regisorum.

Foreign Relations

Under Empress Trisha, the Empire has sworn off its military expansionism in favor of maintaining peace. Trisha has asserted that the Empire can only achieve its goals of world unification through education, righteousness, and peace. It has allowed many of its conquered territories (Albien, Heimdar, Grattenmar) to reclaim their independence, with the caveat that racial and religious rights must be maintained post-occupation. Since then, the Empire has respected the soverignty of its nations, and sought friendly trade relations, but the Empress has made it clear that she will not hesitate to use the Empire's might to protect the weak and oppressed, even if from their own country's government. While it has not had to use this force yet, the Empire maintains some tension with other nations, who wonder how long it will be before the Empire begins "liberating" their own citizens again.  

Expansionism (Leonidus Era)

  Due to its young age and aggressive expansion policy, the Empire of All does not establish or maintain good diplomatic relations with other countries. Any country that does enter into a trade or diplomatic relationship with the Empire soon finds itself pressured into absorption into the Empire itself, or else find itself gaining the attention of the Imperial Military.   Issilidor existed in a peaceful trade relationship with the Empire for about a year, starting with the Imperial invasion of Heimdar. However, this relationship broke down after the fall of Grattenmar, and the two nations went to war. This war was extremely signifigant for both countries, as Issilidor calling together allies led to the creation of the Elven Court, while the death of Emperor Leonidus and subsequent rise of Empress Trisha led to the major reforms of the modern Empire.


Educated citizens make good, loyal citizens. In preparation for their military service, all Imperial Citizens are expected to receive an education in Reading, Law, Mathematics, Imperial History, and Military Theory. This education is provided, free of charge, to all Imperial Citizens. Five percent* of the Imperial Budget is reserved for creating and maintaining schools in all Imperial Regions. Higher education is available for a small fee in major urban centers.

“Today marks the end of all differences, the death of chaos, the formation of the mortal banner, the birth of the True Civilization: The Empire of All.”


  • Empire of All
    A map of the territory of the Empire of All after the secessions post war with the Elven Court.
Founding Date
3147 WC
Geopolitical, Empire
Head of State
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
The Imperial Treasury mints platinum, gold, silver, and copper coins for citizen use. For years, these were printed with images of Emperor Leonidas on them, which are still in circulation. Empress Trisha has insisted that other symbols be used, but still ended up being minted on the platinum coin.   Imperial coins are made with a special alchemical alloy to prevent counterfeit. This coating causes the coin to become discolored when debased, and easily tested. Other coins are generally accepted, but the Imperial Standard is meant as a proof of authenticity, as is generally preferred.
Legislative Body
Imperial Legistratus
Judicial Body
Imperial Judicarius
Subsidiary Organizations
Neighboring Nations

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