Harry Lawson Character in Yumurta | World Anvil
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Harry Lawson

A hobgoblin lawyer that works for the Valdasquo family in the Empire. He is an expert in Imperial Law, a strong negotiator, and prides himself that his employer has never had to actually pay his legal fees.   He owns a Shiba Inu dog named Macy.

Physical Description

Body Features

Like a typical hobgoblin, Harry has orange-red skin, a black, flat nose with slitted nostrils, yellow slitted eyes, dark red hair, and pointed ears. He also has sharp teeth that slightly sticks out of his mouth.

Apparel & Accessories

Harry wears nice, tailored suits most of the time, preferring to look his best, even when not on the job. At home, he wears comfortable robes and slippers.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Harry was born a slave in the time before the Empire, during the reign of Azur'Nethal. As a child, he managed to escape from his owners. While the slave hunters were pursuing him, he was found and hidden by the Valdasquo family, who at the time were little more than merchants, which ultimately saved his life. After that, he was taken in like a surrogate son, given the name "Harold", and after the Empire was founded, was raised and given an education by them. The head of the Valdasquo family encouraged him to pursue a career in law, which he found a talent and passion for, and after getting his training and license, he became the family's personal lawyer, helping to formalize business deals, and smooth over the concessional legal trouble.


After graduating from Imperial public school, Harold attended the Imperial Legistratus University to attain his law-license.
Lawful Neutral
Current Location
Yellow, Slitted
Skin Tone/Pigmentation

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