Intevar Virpetar Character in Yumurta | World Anvil
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Intevar Virpetar

The High Arcanist of Issilidor and representing member of the Issilidor High Council. He is a master of arcane magic, and an expert in the field of Conjuration. He is the only member of the original Issilidor Council from before the Drow invasion that has retained his seat. He doesn't care much for politics, preferring the quiet of his laboratory to the debates and intrigue of the council, but he fulfills his role, and is an invaluable source of arcane magic to the country, and personally oversees the city's magical defenses.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

An extremely talented young mage, Intevar raised quickly through the ranks of Issilidor's arcanists, though he gained a reputation as a reckless troublemaker. At one point, he even teleported into the grounds of the mountaintop Temple of the Moon, which was forbidden without strict permission of the High Priestess, just to see if he could.   That reckless attitude largely dissapeared after the death of his wife, who passed away shortly after the death of their only son, who was also born mute. Her death impacted him greatly, and he coped by engrossing himself in his work and his role as a single father. His hard work paid off, and he became the youngest High Arcanist to ever be elected by the members of the Arcanium, and has led the Arcanist's Tower and sat on the council ever since.   During the War of the Banished, where the Orcs and Drow invaded Issilidor, Intever was in the camp of Rathillion Pacan, helping him silence Vacan and spin the reason for the Orc invasion in his favor. Little did he know, though, that Rathillion had gone behind his back to get Caewin Perwarin, a sorcerer under Intevar's jurisdiction, to create a magical plague to wipe out the orcs completely. When Raina, Ira, and Opal brought this truth to light, he quickly switched sides. When the Drow attacked, Intevar was one of the surviving members of the council, and after rescuing his son, assisted in liberating the city from Drow occupation. Afterwards, he retained his seat on the council.   In the broiling conflict against the Empire, he continued to enhance the city's defenses, and study the various magical artifacts and arcane writings that Opal, Ira, and Raina keep bringing him (often to his annoyance).  


Intevar Virpetar continues to lead the Elven Court’s Arcanium as the High Arcanist for the rest of his long life, becoming a world-recognized Archmage large in part due to the inspiration Opal, Raina, and Ira gave him, pushing him out of his mid-life stagnation. He retains his seat on the council the entire time as well, becoming the longest-running council member and a source of wisdom to other council members, even though he’d prefer not to give it most of the time. He raises his son all the while, who grows up to be a scholar in his own right, if not aiming for the same heights as his father.   He and Fir, in typical elf fashion, drag their relationship out for a couple decades before finally getting married (fast for elves). They work together to bring the vocations of druidism and wizardry closer together, as well as teach one another greater secrets of magic and the universe. At times, they bring out the worst in each other, but are quite happy.   Of course, Dominic is involved closely in all of this as well, and gives Intevar no end of grief.   He eventually masters time manipulating magic, even the ability to turn back time, but keeps that to himself. He uses it only once, to go back in time to see someone very dear to him one more time, and then never again.

Personality Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes

His favorite drink is warm milk with honey.


Family Ties

His son, Caleth Virpetar, is the only family Intevar has. His late wife, Alessandra, died shortly after their son's birth, and he's been a single father ever since.
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
High Arcanist of Issilidor
Aligned Organization

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