Casal Issilideth Settlement in Yumurta | World Anvil
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Casal Issilideth

The City of Glass. The first city to be established by Elves after their migration from the Fey Wild. It was established by Eldanna herself, and now stands as the original home and holy city for all of Elven kind.


As the capitol city of Issilidor and seat of government, most High Elves of the nation live within its walls. The population is primarily High Elves, with a smaller subset of Wood Elves living as merchants, craftsman, and household servants. A small population of Drow also live within the city borders, integrating into Issilidor society in the aftermath of the Drow invasion.


The city is run by the council and their clerks and staff. (See: Issilidor )


The city is protected by tall, thick walls made out of enchanted stone. Its gates are magic, made out of multicolored crystalline ice that melts and reforms on command to the wizards who keep them. In addition to physical defenses, the crystal atop the Arcanium is capable of projecting a protective dome of energy around the city as a barrier against invasion. Due to modifications by Tathdath Quavir, this crystal can also be used to fire a destructive beam of light.   The city is also protected by the Glass Rangers, and Issilidor's army, which is always housed within the city walls. Though small in number, they are an elite fighting force.


The architecture is wholly Elven, consisting of beautiful tall, pointed buildings made of wood and crystal harvested from the Glass Trees. The majority of the buildings are almost completely uniform, with the only difference between one home, store, or restaurant from the outside being plain signs written in Elvish.  

Noble Estates

The exception to the rule, each Noble Estate is wholly unique, often serving as grand displays of wealth and influence, each trying to out-show the others or express something unique about the noble family that dwells within.  

Tallatina Estate


Perwarin Estate


Government Buildings

The second exception are the government buildings in the center ring of the city, which are grand feats of magical architecture.

Ranger Headquarters


Temple of Eldanna

Council Building (destroyed)

Large city
Owning Organization

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