Istarra Tallatina Character in Yumurta | World Anvil
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Istarra Tallatina

Raina's double, a near-exact copy of her born to High Matron Molgleem as a Drow. She is the Champion of Lloth, much as Raina is the champion of Eldonna. After being saved by Raina, who accepted her as a sister rather than kill her to destroy Lloth, Istarra has made it her mission to live up to her "big sister" and redeem Lloth through her own actions.  


Though Jostra and Vander did everything they could to give Istarra a normal childhood, in truth it was anything but. The Drow of the Elven Court saw Istarra, the Champion and reincarnation of Lloth, as a prophet and holy figure, turning to her for guidance in their uncertain future. Inspired by her “sister” Raina, Istarra embraced the role, and did her best to guide her people. Rather than lead them away from Lloth’s teachings, as many denizens of Issilidor would have liked, Istarra shared her experiences with her fellow Drow, pushing them towards recognizing Lloth for the tragic figure she was. She preached that they should worship and give thanks to Lloth for saving their people when they were banished, but need to reject the evil teachings the goddess imposed on them, such as slavery, betrayal, murder, and sexism. Instead, through their love and acceptance, the Drow would change themselves, and their goddess, and someday redeem the Spider Queen.   Needless to say, many Lloth traditionalists were rubbed the wrong way, and the Tallatina family had to fight off kidnappings and assassination attempts throughout Istarra’s childhood. Many of these were orchestrated by Duraenil Bleragh, the High Priestess of Lloth. Eventually, as a teenager, Istarra herself exposed a conspiracy by Duraenil to undermine and seize power in the Elven Court, and when the priestess tried to escape. Istarra caught and killed her in battle. After that, few Drow were bold enough to challenge her as the unofficial leader of their people in the court.   Raina’s wanderlust was in Istarra as well, and she spent just as much time going on wild adventures with her friends: Miona, Kale, and Jenna, both as children, and as a child tag-along to Miona and Jenna as the half-elf and human grew up. Istarra and Kale maintained an off-and-on again romance throughout their childhoods and teenage years, before finally getting married as young adults. She made sure to emphasize that the marriage was as equal as possible, as the very act of marrying a once-slave-boy was taboo, as was her refusal to establish a harem.   Her mission to redeem Lloth continued through her whole life, and though she never saw it to complete success, many clerics of Lloth noticed a sizable change in the goddess after Istarra’s passing, and not long after, another champion of Lloth appeared.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Istarra was born due to a ritual performed by the High Matron, allowing Lloth to magically impregnate her with her own reincarnation, a twisted mimicry of Eldonna's own reincarnation cycle. The original purpose of bringing such a child into this world was for her to kill Eldonna's champion, Raina, and through her kill the goddess herself, enacting Lloth's revenge. For this purpose, she was raised in secret, trained in combat and isolated from the larger world.   The plan went awry, however, when she met Raina too early. On Raina, Opal, and Ira's journey to the city of Casal Llothelineth, they encountered young Istarra (named Raina at the time), in Molgleem's chambers. Though suspicious of her eery resemblence to Raina, they took her along, and she jumped at the chance at freedom, especially after the royal consort tried to violently keep her there. Istarra followed them all the way until their battle with Molgleem, where she died at the hands of her mother's magic, her body dissolving into spiders who skittered into the sacred pool.   Raina followed below, and both she and Istarra learned the terrible truth of Lloth's origins. Istarra, mutated and crying from the traumatic memories of her past life, sat in judgement from Raina, who was given a choice by Eldonna: kill Istarra and destroy Lloth, or spare her, as Eldonna had done to Lloth twice now. Eldonna herself did not know what the right choice was, and looked to her new incarnation for guidance. In the end, Raina chose that Lloth's crimes were not Istarra's, and she carried the girl out of the pool, purifying her body as they went.   After being freed from the city of the Drow, Raina invited her double to join her family as a Tallatina, and gave her the name Istarra due to her love of the stars. Istarra met the Tallatina's shortly after, and received a surprised, but warm welcome from her new family.
Current Location

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