Kamila Wick Character in Yumurta | World Anvil
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Kamila Wick

A halfling "witch" and member of Cursed. She has a chaotic and sadistic attitude that frightens even her own teammates at times.   She wears a black, lacy dress and a tall, pointed witch's hat, and a cloak. She carries an iron baton with a demon skull carved on one end. She also has enchanted chalk that can open portals between two points.   Her teacher is actually the infamous witch, Mrs. Ashkiss, who taught her to summon devils and demons. She facilitated Kamila's devil deal, where she got to have revenge for her mother's death in exchange for only having 13 years to live. Those years are almost at an end.

Physical Description

Special abilities

Kamila herself claims to be possessed by a demon. At the very least she is a powerful warlock with demonic magic.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

According to her, Kamila grew up in a village somewhere, where she and her mother were shunned for consorting with Demons. Her own mother was killed for it, and Kamila eventually got revenge by killing everyone in the town with demon magic.

Personality Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes

Kamila enjoys torturing people for her own amusement. Her comrades discourage this, but ultimately let her indulge herself when it doesn't interfere in their work.
Chaotic Evil
Current Location
Year of Birth
3147 23 Years old
Skin Tone/Pigmentation

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