Opal Character in Yumurta | World Anvil
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Grandmaster of the Way of the Open Hand, Opal Bernaldt (a.k.a. Kürsentha)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Opal has top-notch reflexes and can perform superhuman feats with her ki. She's muscular and tall with broad shoulders, and is self-conscious about her unfeminine figure.

Facial Features

She has a rounder face with a a bluish scar on her left cheek from where an ice mephit burst out.

Identifying Characteristics

Most notably, she has bear ears. No human ears.

Physical quirks

Opal has fur growing on the back of her hands to mid-elbow, as well as on the tops of her feet and an inch or two up her calves. When she shifts, the fur bristles up. Her nails are naturally black, along with the soles of her feet. Her body's riddled with scars from her numerous near death experiences.   Also snores. Loudly.

Special abilities

Opal is able to shift into a slightly more bear-like form, as well fully shift into a Werebear: the latter courtesy of her Fey ancestry, awakened by a contraction of lycanthropy via her throat being ripped out.

Apparel & Accessories

Opal generally wears monk robes. She has two sets: a plain set and a fancy one that she had commissioned. She has extra layers of clothing, including a fur liner, that she can wear underneath her robes for cold weather. Following her victory against Shun, she now wears Shun's old robes. She also wears Boots of Elvenkind to be sneaky, but more importantly, to lessen her feet stank.   She always wears a cord around her neck from which hangs an obsidian bear claw. It was the only thing she had from her previous life as the child of the Fey Queen of Winter.

Specialized Equipment

Opal wears handwraps that she can channel her ki into in order to add extra force to her punches. She also wears a belt that directly influences the output and regeneration of her ki. Both were gifts from Shun. She also occasionally attunes to a bracelet of monk beads that she has around her right wrist.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Opal's parents were Ernest Bernaldt, an adventuring noble from Grattenmar's House Bernaldt, and the Archfey of Winter, *I'm at work and don't have my notebook of names*. They met as he was on his traditional coming-of-age quest, which brought him to a well in the far north reaches that supposedly granted wishes. When he arrived and unexpectedly encountered the beautiful fey queen, he wished to spend time with her, and so they enjoyed a weeklong tryst.   Opal was the result of that week. Her mother returned to the Feywild to give birth to her half-human daughter, and in turn, Opal was blessed by both Titania and Oberon, a mortal already immune to the Feywild's snares. Her birth name was Kürsentha, or "beauty of the snow."   While only a short time had passed in the Feywild, on the mortal plane, 50 years had come and gone. Ernest had grown old, and after his wife's passing and his abdication as head of the Bernaldt family, he decided to return to see the Snow Queen one last time.   The Snow Queen met the aged Ernest in the mortal plane as he approached her domain, and she presented him with the child he had sired. Before the happy reunion could continue, however, the hag that had invaded the Snow Queen's well, Granny Twigmouth, ambushed the Archfey. With no time to hesitate, the Snow Queen tossed her bundled child to Ernest and implored him to run as she was consumed.   Ernest fled with the crying Opal in his arms, managing to cross the sea back to Amberdew. He landed at the northernmost point of the island, the terrifying hag in close pursuit. Partway through the forest, she finally seized him. In a desperate attempt to save his child, he threw Opal as far as he could before he was dragged away to meet the same fate as his lover.   Once she finished devouring the man, Granny Twigmouth approached the child, but the voice of an approaching villager made her hesitate. In that moment, a furious teenage Julianna Vos, in the midst of a another violent outburst, discovered the crying child. Her rage immediately abated, and Julianna took the inconsolable child into her arms. Seeing no one else in the area, she headed for the Amberdew village. Granny Twigmouth retreated, not wishing to expose herself to the village.   Julianna tried to find Opal's parents, but the villagers were repulsed by her inhuman nature, and became even more wary when the frightened child lashed out at them like an animal. Eventually, Shun, the Grandmaster of the tiny Amberdew monastery, took her in. Julianna insisted on naming the child Opal for the color of her hair and in contrast to the obsidian bear claw that hung around her neck, and became Opal's primary caretaker. That was true until Julianna chose to abandon her monk family in favor of her oppressive father, and left the island for many years. Opal was too young to have any memories of Julianna, and Shun never mentioned Julianna to her. It wasn't until Julianna's invasion of the island as an Empire general over twenty years later that Opal learned the truth.   Meanwhile, Granny Twigmouth came to realize that she hadn't acquired all of the Snow Queen's powers as she had expected: some piece remained in Opal: a power that to this day Opal doesn't understand or have access to.   Following these events and Julianna's departure, Opal grew up in the company of Shun and two adoptive brothers, the dwarves Rick and Roll. Eventually, she also gained a younger half-elf sister named Miona. While her home life was loving, her life outside the monastery walls was unpleasant. The villagers regarded her as barely above a beast, and the children of Kürst relentlessly bullied her.   Opal was an unabashedly less than average monk, but when she came of age, she nevertheless embarked on her initiation into the Way of the Open Hand. She travelled to each of the other monasteries that comprised the order, and was trained by other Grandmasters alongside other students. The smaller islands of *names later plz* were cautious of her but tolerant, but the monastery on Harbol was outright hostile. The Grandmaster of the entire order, Alenra, would not acknowledge Opal, and the students were vicious in their sparring matches. A fellow initiate named Shira took extra pleasure in thrashing her at every opportunity. The only solace Opal found there was in *name*, a kindly monk who was a friend of Shun's, and in her frequent escapes to the docks to drink in the company of sailors.   Upon finishing her initiation, Opal returned to Kürst, overjoyed to be reunited with her family. Even as she continued to wonder if she fit anywhere in the outside world, her plan was to stay in the monastery, grow old with her father-figure and siblings, and live out an unassuming life.   But, of course, this all changed when she "volunteered" to go on a mission to the north with two strangers to prevent her village from starving. Over the course of her adventures with Raina and Ira, Opal has found courage, kindness, and prowess she never imagined she possessed.


Bisexual (Have you met any Fey?)


Opal was taught everything she knows by Shun. He was especially insistent she learn Sylvan, the only language she initially spoke as a small child when she was found by Julianna Vos.


Upon embarking on her rite of passage to become an official monk of the Way of the Open Hand, Opal discovered a love of sailing. Following her initiation, she would take opportunities work with Heimdar sailors whenever she had the chance. She then became an adventurer and for a short time was a teacher. Currently, she's still adventuring and is the recognized Grandmaster of the Way of the Open Hand.

Failures & Embarrassments

She considers her inability to stop Fir from murdering retreating Empire soldiers as her greatest moral failing, along with her former over-reliance on the Tiamat spear. The times when she was unable to save someone who was protecting her, or whom she was protecting are also included.   Her life is otherwise a series of awkward social encounters.

Mental Trauma

Opal's frequent bad psychic trips have left her with a smidge of PTSD. It was amplified when she was kidnapped by Tiamat worshippers and had her arm disintegrated in a ritual. The multiple times she's nearly been eaten by horrifying creatures, including the hag that consumed both of her parents, have left her with physical and mental scars.

Intellectual Characteristics

Opal's not one much for intellectual pursuits, but she enjoys puzzles and is relatively insightful. When the opportunity arises, she likes to play harmless pranks.

Morality & Philosophy

Opal always does her best to see goodness in other people: even when those people are vampires or tiny Tiamat-influenced dragons.

Personality Characteristics


Make the world a better place by punching people in the face.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Opal is able to identify the potential extraordinary benefits within various alcohols. With the exception of Syl, Opal is extraordinarily terrible at being on friendly terms with animals. Magic is completely beyond her understanding.

Likes & Dislikes

Opal is a beer aficionado, and loves sailing. She dislikes it when people touch her ears.

Virtues & Personality perks

  • Loyal to family and friends
  • Sees the best in others
  • Defender
  • Accomplished sailor
  • Strong moral compass

Vices & Personality flaws

  • Indecisive
  • Socially anxious
  • Innate desire to avoid responsibilities (blame the Fey ancestry)


Smelly feet. She's embarrassed about this.


Contacts & Relations

Unwilling affiliate and former Champion of Tiamat.

Religious Views

Opal's come to believe that gods generally show up when they want something, and when they do, it's probably not good for you.

Social Aptitude

Awkward when speaking to groups; nevertheless, she's improved by watching Raina in action. She's become more confident that what she has to say is worthy of being heard.


If she doesn't know what to do in a formal social situation, she monk bows repeatedly.

Hobbies & Pets

Opal is the primary caretaker of Syl: a crystal dragon hatchling born from a combination of her right arm and Tiamat's magic in a ritual. She's also an adept brewer.


Utilizes many Elvish swears that she's learned from Raina and Ira.

Wealth & Financial state

Opal has money saved up from adventuring, but not being much of spender, she generally doesn't know what to do with it.
Lawful-ish Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Grandmaster of the Way of the Open Hand, Princess of Winter, Member of House Bernaldt
Circumstances of Birth
A adventuring knight romanced the Archfey of Winter and she went to another dimension to have a kid; in short, it's complicated.
The Feywild
Current Residence
Snow white and shaggy, it doesn't grow past a certain length. Good luck trying to cut it.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
160 lbs
Quotes & Catchphrases
"I would like to respectfully burrito the body."
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Opal is able to understand all spoken languages, and can be understood by all intelligent creatures due to her ki. She is able to speak fluent Common, Sylvan, and Elvish swears.
Ruled Locations

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