House Bernaldt Organization in Yumurta | World Anvil
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House Bernaldt

One of the founding noble houses of Grattenmar. Its lands are on the far end of the western border, on the edge of the Ogrekin Swamp. While not prominent politically, due to the fringe location of their lands, House Bernaldt is famous for their history, honorable reputation, and tradition for questing.  


House Bernaldt hasn't forgotten their origin as knights and warriors. As such, all members of House Bernaldt are trained in swordsmanship, horseback riding, and warfare. Members of the house are known as some of the most skilled swordsman in the kingdom. Every member, upon reaching adulthood, also has a custom sword forged for them. Upon a family members' death, their sword is added to a glass display sitting prominently in the estate's main hall.   The Bernaldts also had a questing tradition, where every young adult member of the house is expected to, as a coming-of-age ceremony, leave home and embark on a quest or adventure of some kind. For many members, this means traveling around the kingdom, righting wrongs and vanquishing monsters, but for some, this journey takes them much farther from home, to other countries or far-off corners of the world. This journey could last months, or even years, and ends only when the young member chooses to come home with achievements to share. Due to the work of Mother Gristlegums, and her attempt to wipe out the Bernaldt family, this tradition was temporarily suspended, but now that the household is saved, it may soon start again.


House Bernaldt was founded by a prominent knight who fought to defend the people on the western border from the Ogres who frequently raided form their swampland home. When the kingdom of Grattenmar established itself and spread westward, this hero knight was recognized by the king and given a noble title, the fiefdom of the lands he protected, and a royal decree to protect the kingdom from the ogres to the west.
Geopolitical, Great house
Parent Organization

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