Radnor Veldasquo Character in Yumurta | World Anvil
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Radnor Veldasquo

The eldest son of the Veldasquo family, and a middling-ranked mage in the Imperial Magistratum.

Physical Description

Facial Features

Radnor is clean shaven and handsome, but ussually ruins it with an arrogant smirk or angry scowl. He shares a lot of facial features with his father.

Apparel & Accessories

Radnor dresses rich. He usually wears fine wizardly robes in an attempt to flex his power and position. Otherwise, he wears expensive clothes, usually in imperial colors of black and gold.

Mental characteristics


Radnor had the best education his father could buy, with the express purpose of becoming big and important. He was pushed into Arcane studies in order to make a name for himself, and managed to excel.   His field of study was enchantment.


Radnor works as a middle-ranked member of the Magistatum, though he focuses more of his efforts on politics and promotion than actual research.

Personality Characteristics

Vices & Personality flaws

Radnor has shown to be impatient and prone to angry outbursts. He had a meltdown in a party after Finn embarrassed him several times, and he nearly struck a maid when a worm had been slipped into his drink.


Family Ties

Radnor has long enjoyed being the favorite in the family, especially by his father. His father spoils him, often flaunting his successes and bragging about him, but is also quick to turn on and scold him when he screws up. Most everything he does is meant to try and please his father and stay in that favored position.   Radnor looks down on his siblings for the most part, bickering with Ilaria and seeing Elena as little more than an upstart trying to take attention away from him. He's not above trying to place nice to get what he wants however.
Current Location
Shoulder-length Strawberry Blonde
Skin Tone/Pigmentation

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