Roger Veldasquo Character in Yumurta | World Anvil
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Roger Veldasquo

The head of the infamous Veldasquo family. A strict but industrious man with big dreams of improving his family's economic and social standing even further.

Physical Description

Apparel & Accessories

Roger is usually sharply dressed in fine suits with prominent cuff links and other such displays of wealth. Behind his back, many remark that he's gaudy about it, and an example of "new money".

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Roger Veldasquo becoming head of his house at a relatively young age, which at the time was little more than a small-time merchant family that had its foot in crime from their past history of piracy. As a young man, he grated against his position, constantly trying to claw his way upwards while the wealthier and more powerful families in Azur'Nethal continuously pushed him and his family down. But he was clever and resourceful, and when change came in the form of the Empire, he took hold and rode the wave. While many other pre-established merchant families resisted the change, and were abolished for it, Roger threw his family business, and risked most of his fortune, on selling products to and investing in new communities of non-humans. The investment paid off, and the Veldasquo's saw a huge surge in profit and connections as the Empire solidified. The Veldasquos, and especially Roger himself, gained a reputation as a philanthropist and friend to diversity. This allowed him to expand the family's criminal activities as well, as while the Empire's crackdown on organized crime increased, the Veldasquo's good reputation made most law enforcement treat them with a bit more tolerance than other groups.   Roger sees most of this success as due to his own quick-wittiness and sharp business sense, and wishes to foster these characteristics in his own children.

Failures & Embarrassments


Personality Characteristics


Roger is motivated by two things: Money and Reputation. He wishes to acquire both for his family, and never seems satisfied no matter how high up his family climbs, as there are always new eyes looking down on them.


Contacts & Relations

Roger has countless business contacts throughout the Empire, many of them the leaders of non-human social groups and other such merchants that he has invested in over the years and helped to raise up to wealth and nobility, so they can help him in turn.

Family Ties

Roger acts quite coldly towards his family, usually offering them critique and commands in place of love and praise. He wants nothing more than his family to improve in wealth and power, and pushes his children to contribute to that goal. He is stern and pragmatic, judging others by their usefulness first and foremost. He loves his children, in his own way, by holding them to lofty standards above even his own employees and pressuring them to improve.   Roger has a bit of a soft spot for his eldest son, Radnor, seeming to believe in him the most, and prioritize his ideas over others. His is proud of his son's career as a wizard, seeing it as a fine asset and successful investment on his part. He mostly sees Radnor as a younger version of himself.   Roger had similar large goals for Ilaria, and for years, she seemed like the perfect daughter. More recently, however, she has begun to grate underneath his authority, and Roger has had difficulty with being out of touch with her life and feelings, and they've begun to quarrel.   Roger's relationship with Elena has been pretty cold. Unlike with his first two children, Roger didn't seem to have much of a plan laid out for her, and that has translated into indifference. For a long time, he seemed to have little interest in his youngest daughter's successes, and saw little use in her other than a possible political marriage. That opinions seems to have been challenged by Elena's recent efforts to become a part of the family business, and demonstrating a clever business sense.   The exception to all of this is his wife, Clara, whom he treats as an equal and never seems to press her to be any more than herself. Clara was the daughter of a once-prominent noble family of Azur-Nethal, who were on the decline and arranged for her to marry Roger for his money, long before the Empire was formed. They have had difficulties in the past, and are not very affectionate, but treat each other as trusted friends.
Current Location
Date of Birth
16th of Griffins, 3118
Light Blue
Carefully Combed Strawberry Blonde, Slight Receding Hairline
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale White

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