Siliny Character in Yumurta | World Anvil
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A wood elf captain of the Glass Rangers, and a childhood friend of Garion's. She is the daughter of Alwin, the live-in family servant to the Tallatina family, and was raised alongside Garion and Raina. She is exceptionally talented as a ranger, and quickly gained ranks in spite of her race, becoming one of the few wood elves to ever gain the rank of captain. Her sharp mouth and lack of composure also speak volumes of her skill, as she was promoted in spite of all of these.    She has tan skin, short hair she keeps in a loose ponytail, and light green markings on her cheeks. She wields a large greatsword, in spite of the usual short-swords glass rangers use.   During the War of the Banished, Siliny was captured by Orcs on an assault on their war camp. Garion went off alone to rescue her, while Opal, Ira, and Raina were at the Temple of Eldonna, and though he succeeded, he was captured in her stead. Siliny came back crippled: missing a leg, an arm, and an eye, which the orcs did ritualistically to elven prisoners as a form of revenge.   "A arm so they can no longer fire their bows, a leg so they can no longer stalk through the forests, and an eye as payment for Gruumsh."   When she got back, she told the others of Garion's fate.   After the war, Siliny struggled with her crippled body, pushing herself to be useful by training ranger recruits, but unable to completely move past the loss. However, her body was eventually restored by Ira at a later time, and she rejoined the Glass Rangers.
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