Zee Karia Character in Zaetheris | World Anvil
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Zee Karia

Zee Karia

Her name is Zee Karia, a changeling bard disguised mainly as a half-elf.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Tall, slender changeling.   Moderate tall half-elf.

Facial Features

Eyes seem slightly wide or just big and bright.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

In reality, gender is a state of mind but I suppose I was born female. Women also have a nice assortment of apparel and accessories.   It's fun to be a man sometimes though.


Whatever works! Male is fine.


Went to the college of whispers.
Didn’t find it strange to be studying at the college because the advertisements she read to go was worded to be “distinguished and exceptional courses for life long rewards!” Compared to the other college advertising about wealth and knowledge abound or something similarly boring.
It was odd that she was very natural at the college.


Never kill anyone with poison. It's a sin.


Carnan Karia

Adopted brother (Important)

Towards Zee Karia



Zee Karia

Adopted sister (Vital)

Towards Carnan Karia




Carnan is the one who found Zee and took her to his grandmother when she was ill and alone.   After his grandmother adopted her, they became like siblings.

Relationship Reasoning

Because Zee had no family, Carnan bugged his grandmother about letting her stay with them.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

Mother's caramel pudding is the best.

Shared Secrets

On one of his adventures, Carnan returned and gave Zee a piece of jewelry that she carries with her. On another of his adventures, he gave Zee the lute that she plays.

Ayda Karia


Towards Zee Karia


Zee Karia


Towards Ayda Karia


A "half-elf" bard that bards. Surprise.

View Character Profile
Chaotic Good :)
21 years
Unknown, possibly Waterdeep
Carnan Karia (Adopted brother)
Current Residence
Pale Color (Currently Blue eyes with golden flecks)
Pale Color (Currently brown)
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale Color (Currently light tan skin tone with icy blue hues by ears)
5ft 9in (Currently 5 ft 6in)
143 lbs
Known Languages
Common Elvish Sylven Undercommon

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War Rises and Falls

The day begins with a knock on the door, with war on our doorstep.   Well actually, that's the next day.   This day I just went out to get a gift box and message to go with the bottle of tears I had. It was a fun message I added with the gift to be delivered to my own house, a silly scam looking message. "Congratulations! You are the lucky random winner of our Community Utilization Network's Testificate visitation reward! Have this prize and come again when the end of the season comes and participate in our Annual Nomination Angler's Lobbying meeting! We hope to see you soon!"   I think it'd be funny for GPK to get what he needed through such strange circumstances.   Instead of paying for delivery, I just decided to deliver it myself. Taking on a new look, I delivered the gift box to my own house. Though no one answered, so I just leave it on the doorstep and left just in time when the door opens. I go home normally after that.   With that done, now it is the new day for war.   At least from what I've been told by GPK since he answered it.   We were called to lend a hand with a war that was about to begin.   Which, kind of explains a lot of things in the past. Chef Ali's weird explanations about what has been happening around Krey and a few other strange things like the rise of guards in the city.   Yeah a war sounds legit.   Before we left the house, the tortle wanted the trident back that his blue robot had before when he was evil. Which was kind of, not something I'd like to do. Even with MPN on our side now, I don't like the idea of it having its really pointy, stabby thing again after my near death experience by the end of the trident. But I extracted an IOU from the tortle, seeing as he wanted it badly for MPN as a trade.   We head out the house and head to the south gate where the incoming attackers were coming towards.   The point of them coming to attack and this civil war that is brewing is because the king has been unfairly taxing them for way too much, which was strange, and understandably they were very unhappy. This has probably been brewing since that whole year we were gone.   Because of that, Arc questioned who we were supposed to helping while the tortle questioned if we were getting paid for this.   While a guard had run off to talk about our possible payment for being involved with fighting the attacking side, I managed to convince the others that maybe, we should get to the bottom of why this war is happening.   So we go up to the attacking side, where they had arrows pointed at us when we approached.   They stop pointing arrows at us when we tell them we aren't here for fighting but talking.   They explain that strangely the king has been for high taxes, 50% of their crops be sent to Krey. Even couriers they have sent to discuss with the king have returned with lashings across their backs.   We offer to seek audience with the king, after much discussion, as we have decent favor with the king.   (By the time we were walking, that guard returned saying the king would offer us 10 thousand gold pieces for that payment each. ) Ignoring that, we go request audience with the king. Though Arc was quite intimidating about it.   We meet the king and ask of him why he was taxing his people, he eventually explained it was for his wife, who had been inflicted with a strange growth before.   When we wanted to see the queen and how she was doing, Arc dropped on to her that she was part of a pact and part of the problem to why the kingdom was about to be in a civil war. Which she didn't know about till now. Yikes.   After much discussion on how to possibly save this kingdom from its source problem, the tortle and GPK have worked out an offer of 25k gold pieces in exchange for being able to save his wife if he breaks the pact.   (Thankfully we don't decide killing the queen would be a better option. Or walking away from this situation.)   The king pulls out a coin and breaks the pact, but immediately the queen cries out in pain. Along with the king's children outside the doors.   Bringing them all in the room, it was obvious that this was part of the pact's backlash, with the large growth returning on the queen's back.   I ran out the castle to get Nan to hopefully be able to help with the situation. Returning with her, Nan inspected them all and told us that they only had maybe a few hours left seeing as how drastic it was.   The tortle and GPK work out what they want to wish for to save the king's family.   After casting the wish, Nan checks up on them and they are completely fine now. Healthy.   Good.   The king rewards us with the 25 thousand gold that was part of the deal. The others gave it to me to put in Griffin for safe keeping.   The king will lower the taxation rate. He even gives us a royal decree to announce to the peasants.   Now everyone is happy. For now.

Spooky Basement Problems

Maybe this house is haunted. Or maybe I didn't realize how tired I really was.   After going to sleep last night, I had woken to loud noises in the night.   Deciding to go investigate it, I went downstairs to where I thought I heard something calling my name in my sleep.   Nan was sitting in the kitchen and I had asked her if that was her calling for me. She said no but that the southern one called for me.   After wishing her good night as she was taking another puff, I peeked downstairs where the three stooges were.   They, or rather Arc, told me we were having a ghost problem. I just think they haven't gotten enough sleep.   GPK said that a child came out of the wall they were staring at but I didn't see anything but heard the strange noises.   As I was going to go get my weapons, the door to the basement slammed shut and Arc handed me his shooty thing to defend myself, which is ridiculous cause how do you use this thing??   Handing it back, the door opened again but before I could go in, it shut again.   GPK tore the door off its hinges, not dealing with that. He better fix it after we deal with this ghost problem.   I left to get my weapons. When I came back, I asked them what they were looking at and suddenly, there was a fleshy door on the wall they were staring at.   The tortle attempted to find his robots to test it, but weirdly enough, they weren't here.   Suddenly, he was dragged through the wall.   Arc rushed and jumped through the wall, going after the tortle because something about not leaving him to die on his own as the last of his species. Something about ecological crime.   Waiting for a bit, GPK decided to go in through the wall after them, telling me to stay back in case they don't return.   I didn't really like this whole thing. Sure, the house was apparently haunted and we now have a wall that goes to who knows where in our basement. A wall of hands that grab you and pull you in. Yuck.   But I couldn't really leave those guys to their own nor ignore this problem in our basement. Also, I really hate the voices in my head.   So I decided to go in, regretting every bit of it as I was passed through the wall of hands.   I didn't expect to end up in a dark and cramped place. What was I in a closet or something?   Actually it was too cushy and soft to be a closet.   Hearing voices outside, I assumed it was the others.   I called for them and GPK responded. I asked them where I was and apparently, I was in a grave.   That explains the dark and cushiness.   Suddenly there was noises. The dirt above emptied itself out.   The lid suddenly opened and the others were there.   We were in a strange graveyard. A lot of the names were not familiar, yet, quite a few were. Names of people we knew, some who were definitely not dead yet graves existed. My family's was here, yet their graves were open, meaning they were alive.   There's a very large house to the north, so we started going that way.   GPK turned around suddenly and looked behind us. I turned to look but didn't see anything. GPK pointed at what he was looking at and there was a small ghosty boy there.   He questioned the boy and he said he wanted to make sure we headed to the house safely.   We got to the house and it was interesting inside. Definitely haunted.   The tortle found a torch to pull and it turned off a fireplace.   We spent a while in the room, trying to figure out if it was a puzzle but after a while, I got bored and left the room with Arc upstairs. The others came up and there were some locked doors upstairs.   The tortle attempted to open one with tools. Didn't work. GPK tried to shoulder check it. Didn't work. I tried to kick at it. Didn't work.   The tortle tried again, and he got it.   It looked like a child's bedroom. There were some more ghosty kids in the room.   They wanted us to help them with their Father.   We looked around and found an old woman. Turns out the father's name is Vladimir. Seems like we might be dealing with a vampire.   We decide to rest seeing as we woke in middle of the night in one of the empty rooms.   We were woken by the house owner returning.   Arc tripped over something loudly and attracted the attention of the owner.   The vampire came upstairs and Arc pointed a shooty at him.   Arc demanded questions out of him and turns out we are in Shadowfel.   Things got confusing, so we brought the kids to ask questions.   It was kind of obvious that they were being compiled to talk nicely about this vampire, so we just started unloading on him.   We beat it up, and it poofed into dust.   We followed the dust to his basement.   GPK blew up his coffin with fire after dispelling magic on it.   The old woman came to us.   And transformed.   Into the Raven Queen. The world around us faded to darkness with her before us.   Turns out she was testing us, to be able to spread her name into the realm we reside in.   Her proposal to be the god to one of us is taken by Arc, who seemed to be hooked on to when she mentioned 'power.'   And then the dark void we stood shifted back to the basement.   Carnan was there looking at us strangely. And MPN.   Apparently we were standing there for hours.   It's morning already.   Oh and apparently there was candy right on our doorstep for us.

What the Ore

Well, we are back in Krey now.   Good to be back home.   Seems like the tortle and Arc decided to hang out with Carnan in the workshop again.   Everyone wasn't up to much after looking around to see what they were doing, so I decided to do some shopping after they had gone out.   While out, I decided to try and buy a glass bottle, but was stopped on my way by a drunkard.   He seemed out of it. He said some things then suddenly fell down. I tried to help him with what little I knew of medical help.   I think I helped him. Propped him up against a wall just in case.   He had an interesting-looking empty bottle, and seeing as he was done with it, decided to take it for my purposes.   After a tiny bit of rinsing, I could finally use this to make a bottle of Changeling tears that seemingly GPK wanted.   It was gonna be a slow to fill this, but I managed to get some of the bottle filled.   I heard GPK wanted to head to Oford and seems like the tinker team is gonna be busy for a while, decided to go with him.   We passed through Respolis, which really was in ruins. Burnt down after we left it.   We arrived at Oford and headed to the mines.   They stopped us at the enterance. Seems like things have changed since the last time (over a year ago was it) that we were here.   Fourty gold per person for two hours before we get teleported out, which wasn't too bad.   GPK and I entered, and went down for a while, finding few mithrils along the way.   There was a couple random butterflies also, which was strange because we were in a cave.   GPK apparently found a weird hole in the wall. It took his whole pickaxe and sucked it right through.   He decided to go through the wall, which was like WHAT.   He sounded fine, and so I followed him through and holy moly.   That's one giant crystal.   GPK decided to sit on the crystal until the time was up, so I decided to see what I could get with the time left.   Nothing much.   We were teleported out, strapped that giant crystal to the carriage, and went home.   Boy, were everyone was gonna be surprised.

I Nearly Died I'm Pretty Sure

We came back from the Griffon's plane and ended up in our home in Krey. I heard a loud noise going down the stairs so when I went to see what it was. GPK informed me that the tortle fell down the stairs for some reason.   Arc was introduced to the family, mainly Carnan and unfortunately this was a meeting of three people who probably should not have met. Immediately, they talked about shooty things. They did a bunch of things, something about Arc's guns.   Anyway, we set off to do what we needed to do. The tortle was given a sense of where the blue robot was, so we followed it towards Maapham.   Unfortunately, I think the two tinker idiots blew some holes throughout the cart, like what the heck. I got this from a goddess. And they're blowing holes in it.   Oh yeah, we were chased by large direwolves on the way. That was not too fun.   Even though we stopped by in Maapham, we quickly left it cause, uh, don't know if that one guy here still wants his book back that I don't have.   Also, cause the tortle's sense of direction said we should go to Zreim.   When we got there, we saw flames. Heard townsfolk screaming and crying.   We rushed into the square, leaving our cart out on the edge of town.   There was a circle of flames in the middle of the square and we tried to safely go through it. Even GPK's circle of ice didn't seem to can douse it.   Finally, Arc bravely walked through and apparently our enemy is in the middle of the flames as the sounds of gunfire echoed.   The tortle and I walked through and almost immediately entering after we both tried to attack the robot.   And suddenly, I had a trident in my gut.   Full on, searing pain, and I think I was near to blacking out right there.   It felt worst than the slime attack.   Everything was a blur to me until I could focus beyond the pain.   Arc had pulled me out of the fight and had given me one of my potions before going to help the others once I could focus again.   I still had a giant trident sticking out of me, which hurt like hell and beyond to take that out while chugging another potion.   I was feeling mighty better as the pain finally dulled away but was that disorienting.   Before I could fully grasp what was going on, that bloody trident flew out of my hand back towards that damned blue robot.   The tortle had lost his big construct but luckily GPK and Arc finished off the stupid enemy.   Upon its death, suddenly the flames and screaming cleared and we were in the middle of a full town bustling around us, giving us looks, and clapping and cheering.   I guess we were in a very large illusion. Thankfully we hurt no one during that fight.   Well, besides myself.   I don't know why the tortle still wants to keep the remains of the blue robot. I get that he made it and all but its parts are more than covered in physical blood. I personally wouldn't want to keep such remains as they are. But he is rebuilding it, without a soul from a demon this time.   Don't get it, can't exactly care. Need to go lie down after being skewered by it. Snatched that damn trident and shoved it in Griffin.   GPK sent a message to Thanis to tell him of our success and we returned to Krey. When we got back, we went through a portal to see Thanis, who wasn't too surprised by our success.   He then started talking about some kind of magic school that he wants GPK to teach at.   Don't know why he'd want the memory loss prone spellcaster to teach.

Tortle gets a New God?

GPK had a long flashback. He had friends maybe. But he remembered his name, which is pretty okay than calling him GPK but we're used to that name now. Oh and he remembered Thanis. Surprise.   Speaking of Thanis, he called the tortle on his pickaxe. Weird.   We spoke with Thanis, but there was a magic butterfly that was more interesting at the beginning.   But the others realized Thanis really did know Koulomb, so that's a surprise.   It all comes full circle to the tortle somehow cause he's in big trouble and by trouble I mean, he's probably gonna die without a god's help.   So we decide to meet Acero's long awaited Griffon god.   Pretty cool. Chill guy.   Acero was having the time of his life so we let him stay here till we came back.   Griffin, the god, offered to be the tortle's god and there was another guy there that GPK knew but he was in a disguise and seemed to miss GPK but funny enough he didn't know he was there. Anyway.   We had to leave quickly cause Thanis couldn't hold with us there and so we decided to pick up Acero next time we come back here.   So yeah.   Were we finding a blue robot?

Pit of The REALLY Bad Goo

We fell down the hole. Thank goodness GPK saved us with Feather Fall.   We fell in to a large almost empty pit, with black goo oil?   GPK said that this gunk was ALIVE, and judging by how it looks, it might be something we don't want to be dealing with.   We looked around for an escape but there doesn't seem to be much else here.   Except the corpses. And the mummy lord corpse.   GPK went to take the specter off the mummy's corpse and bright idea me, pokes in the corpse.   Something slimy grabs on to me, and so NOPE!   Take my hand back, and suddenly all the corpses in the room are being controlled by the goo.   Arc shot one's head off but it's still moving.   We deal with the corpses best we can, only taking out the bodies but doesn't seem to be stopping what ever is controlling it.   GPK blasted a fireball that obliterated two of the corpses.   That caused all the ooze in the room to gather and form into a giant slime.   It was.   Extremely difficult compared to the slimes we dealt with yesterday.   GPK let loose a couple of fireballs, Arc shoots it, Acero used eldritch blasts, I lost a crowbar, but the slime hardly goes down.   The tortle joined us after falling for some reason but it wasn't looking good.   The slime had shrunken somewhat and a piece of it started to escape.   I had the idea to drop a pin of gunpowder to help GPK, except I didn't get a clean movement around the slime.   It managed to get a really rough hit on me that I did manage to forget why I was there behind the slime.   Did not feel good.   I could only offer light assistance for the rest of them and hopefully keep my distance from the slime.   The tortle managed to finish off the slime, apparently there was also a slime version of me there too?   Regardless, the main problem was destroyed and there was a dark vortex left on the ground. We, or rather, the tortle lost his Arcsin construct due to fire damage.   Remembering there was an escaping piece of slime, I redirected my lights towards where I saw it going.   It was escaping towards a crack in the floor!   GPK, Arc, and I tried to get it but it escaped...   We took a long break. I had to tend to my pretty bad wounds and GPK was out of mana.   The tortle had remade a construct and some jars for some reason. He and GPK tried to pick up the leftover darkness?   It didn't work, in fact.   It was pulled into the darkness and we heard a shattering noise from the top.   The tortle sent his small construct into the darkness and it was a vortex to the top of the pit. An escape.   We left through it and Fazu Phil wasn't at the top (also Hellkite.)   We left this hell tomb behind and went to where we first met Fazu Phil.   He seemed surprisingly happy despite the fact some of us were in a pit. He didn't seem very concerned about our well-being when we were down there. In fact, he seemed super surprised we managed to get out of that pit.   The tortle was extremely unhappy about that. Seeing as he suddenly fell in without his knowing.   Arc provided to be pretty scary as he *negotiated* with Fazu Phil to stamp his seal that we helped him with his quest. Fazu Phil seemed more motivated to do it for us and we left, totally not interested in coming back here.   We are now on our way back to Fazu through the desert now.   Don't think I can shield surf back.

Found and Lost Again

Waking up, I kind of dreaded going back into the tomb. But a quest is a quest, and we know better to be cautious now. Hopefully.   We got ready for the day ahead of us, oddly enough the tortle fixed up his little funny beetle thing. Played a little prank on him with Minor Inconvience, but it was a harmless fly. Tortle wasn't amused but at least I didn't trip him while he was carrying his beetle. He made his bug thing make a rattling noise in response. Don't think it bothered anyone. We then met up with Fazu Phil to escort him through the tomb.   While escorting him, the tortle stepped over a pressure plate we didn't see yesterday and managed to open a small secret room that held a deactivated warforged. Strange thing. When looking at it, it seemed to be missing something in its chest cavity like GPK.   So I asked him for the bag of marshmallows and stuffed it in the warforged while they discussed if they can scrap it for parts.   Did nothing. Just a small zap to me.   Hmm.   The tortle had the idea to put a blue shard thing into it instead. Acero got the marshmallows from GPK and ate some of them.   That woke it up.   It immediately reaches for something around its hip but seemed to be missing one of what it was looking for.   The warforged seemed to also have memory loss (is this a warforged thing?) and did not know how it ended up here in this tomb. Fazu Phil found its shooty thing and I picked it up. Looked like one of the shooty things like the stuff Carnan is working on.   Gave it to the warforged seeing as he seemed harmless.   He decides to accompany us on our venture through the tomb.   We go to the sarcophagus room. The group of undead archaeologists are gathered around the sarcophagus and kneeling.   The tortle sent its constructs to poke around in the room ahead of us for a long while. The undead seemed to ignore them entirely and he couldn't get his constructs to open the sarcophagus.   Arc, the shooty warforged, finally walked into the room and just aimed at one of the undead and shot it.   That, triggered them.   They reacted and started to attack us.   Kind of scary.   I insulted the one Arc shot.   That, killed it...   What a weakling.   We took out a few more, until the sarcophagus opened to reveal a mummy lord.   Things got more intense when it decided to join the fight.   And half the party kind of disappeared mid-fight thanks to wild magic curses or other spell. Like out of this plane of existence gone.   Thankfully, we managed to hold on while facing the mummy lord. While cursed.   Turned into a raven at one point. Had a pecking for worms.   I think I felt a moment where something was gonna go horribly wrong.   But no.   My skin is stuck changing into rainbow colors. I think I am scared of wild beasts all of a sudden also.   Everyone was in the room by the time we defeated the mummy lord.   Except the mummy lord wasn't done.   He gripped a scepter from his back and smashed it on the floor, cracking it, and sent most of us falling.   Please let this not be a repeat of the Unknown.

Navy Blue Problem

So the big blue problem escaped.   That isn't good.   The tortle runs over to fix GPK and his construct. Once GPK was fixed, I decided to hand him my fishing rod to see if he can get a good catch.   He doesn't.   So I try.   And apparently I caught something real huge, like I nearly fell over if it weren't for the tortle and his construct. It felt like I was trying to reel in GPK himself.   Then we got a loud call through our heads? From Thanis.   He doesn't sound happy.   Tortle somehow got a portal to let us go to him. Scary portal. Hands came out to expand it.   We went through, despite how scary it was. Acero had gone first and made a show out of it, which was funny.   Thanis was not happy. The bot got away and now its running.   Thanis asked the tortle for the research that was done on the navy blue and led us to what appears to be a similar portal to some weird version of the magnificent mansion, but more books.   Thanis asked again for the research and after dumping out his secret horde of bags and folders, he was uneasy to hand off what I would say would be like his life's work of work.   GPK wasn't as kind. In fact, he just grabbed it to hand off to the wizard.   The tortle wasn't very responsive after that.   Thanis and the tortle talked a lot about what it means to be able to create a warforged body. Though how he got it a soul was totally uncool.   "Never make deals with demons," my instructor used to tell me.   Eventually, Thanis said he'd get back to us on how to find the navy blue mess that ran off.   So we decided to talk to the gnome lord of Fazu.   We updated him, sure he wasn't happy to hear it got away.   We left after the update, though interestingly enough, there's that butterfly from yesterday.   Not sure what happened when I noticed it.   Think there was loud noises and what sounded like the gnome lord we just talked to.   Not sure like I said.   So yeah.   Guess we wait.

Chilling in a Desert Tomb

Well, we are waiting on Thanis to get back to us about where the Navy Blue is.   Until then, we have decided to do a small quest. We went to the adventurers' guild to fetch one.   The quest we got was one to help some archaeologists with a recently discovered tomb out in the desert.   We get ready to leave. I see the tortle about to use his construct and I figured, hey, I can catch a ride on that.   So I hopped on my makeshift mirror shield and boy was that a fun idea. Acero and Hellkite got a ride on GPK through the desert.   While that was a great idea to shield surf through the desert, my mirror shield became super tarnished. Guess that's what it is when you use a vanity mirror as a shield.   We arrive at the tomb and meet with the lead archaeologist there. Seems that there is some trouble inside the tomb and they have lost some of their team to black slimes.   The tortle pulled out his newest construct, some weird beetle thing, and spent a long time using it to explore the tomb until it apparently got itself into some trouble.   Then he sent his flying construct in to fetch the sad scouter and after a while, we entered the tomb.   We explored into a room that had the seasons painted on the walls. There was a door on the wall of summer and the tortle spent some time on opening the door.   The rest of us looked around the room, GPK had found a seed and judging by the images on the walls, I figured we needed to plant it and followed the images on the wall.   We created the conditions that opened the door. Through the door, we reached an end where it is a room with a sarcophagus surrounded by many urns. The tortle decided that we should save the room for last.   We back tracked to the main room and the tortle and his constructs tried another corridor. He found the dead archaeologists, along with some moving black goo so nope! Not going in there I guess.   We tried the last corridor and it led to a pit room covered in mist. The tortle sent his flying construct through and apparently there was a door but his robot has no thumbs.   The tortle had Acero warp across the room, skipping across platforms hanging from the ceiling. Pretty neat idea, Acero managed to get to the other side in time for what sneaked up on us.   I barely noticed it, but suddenly everyone around me was becoming high strung.   It wasn't until something slick was on my neck did I realize one of those slimes were on me.   I managed to toss it off as it tried to pry into my mouth. I checked the others to see if they had any on them as they looked themselves. Noticed Hellkite not seeing the one on him.   When I let him know, he chucked it into the pit.   A fight broke out as there were more slimes apparently coming from a crack in the ceiling. After several shots, some missing the slimes in general and that one Hellkite threw returning, it was quick to realize that these slimes weren't very strong as long as they weren't on you and in your mouth. The tortle almost made the mistake of biting one but he just backhanded it to death.   Once the slime situation became more under control, GPK and the tortle decided to go with Acero seeing as they had more space to carry items.   Hellkite and I just waited for a long time.   The tortle returned without the others for a long time, something about the others being a doll or wolf or something?   He created a portal to the loot room they found but apparently if we went through, we'd experience some wild magic too.   Instead of going in, we dealt with more slimes that came from the crack.   It was pretty simple to deal with, the tortle's portal disappearing mid-fight.   Eventually, the loot tem returned. Acero had a new demon... son? GPK was being carried by the tortle's construct and seemed to be blind, deaf, and funnily enough, unable to smell.   With GPK incapacitated, we decided to leave the tomb. I decided to check back on the room with the dead archaeologists. There was nothing in there, not even the archaeologists, which is concerning.   Going back to the others, the tortle had his construct check back on the sarcophagus room and seems like there were more dead bodies moving in that room than before.   So we walked out of the tomb.   We met with the lead archaeologist and the tortle talked with him since he had explored that loot room.   A cleric had managed to heal GPK of his curses.   The loot the tortle had was divided up I think but I wasn't paying attention.   GPK set up his portable mansion and we decided to take on the sarcophagus room tomorrow.

Fazu and the Navy Blue

We appear on top of a teleportation circle in the middle of the city of Fazu.   I saw a pretty butterfly passing by and turned to tell the others but they were gone.   Seems that something caught their eye so I followed them and they came across a dragonborn stuck in a cage. The cage belonging to a couple of slavers.   The tortle paid for it to be released, which is strange for him to do.   GPK went off to check for an alleyway to place a portal down to his portable inn and called for me to help him with that. Which is good, seeing as his first choice was terrible. No idea where the tortle went with his new purchase, Hellkite.   GPK, Acero, and I managed to get a good spot near the west gate of Fazu. GPK went inside to send a letter back to the king of Krey seeing as we left too quickly without a way to get the local leader of Fazu to help us.   While he was doing that, Acero and I went to the range where apparently the tortle went to test something. Learned Acero never had cookies before. Wow.   Upon arriving at the range, apparently he made Hellkite breathe ice despite being a green dragon. Lotta people were staring.   Which is good cause I could put on a performance. Acero got the coins, which is fine I guess. He is part bird so I guess he couldn't help himself.   GPK arrived and managed to get a message to give to the leader of Fazu, so Acero and I went with him to the castle while the tortle went to the market with the dragonborn.   We enter the castle after the guard let us through. We meet Knitpact of Fazu, the gnomish lord of this city.   He agreed to help us, so long as we can move the battle south of the island. Sounds hard to do. Regardless, we got his help, GPK got some new shiny dragon shards.   Then we got a message from the tortle saying he somehow got sold?   Apparently the dragonborn that he bought sold him to the black market.   Kind of funny, kind of concerning.   GPK flew to help him while Acero and I got there later.   Seems that stuff sort of worked itself out by the time we caught up. Tortle was 800 gold richer and apparently Hellkite is no longer supposedly indebted to him. Guess the black market didn't want a giant target on their back from a blue, potential world-wide threat. Tortle's latest construct is here also.   Welp. Nothing else to do but prep for the blue bot.   Bought dozens of cookies and learned a new recipe from a bakery before we headed to our new base for the day.   New day and we more or less prepared again. Not much else happened.   New day and oh boy.   It arrived.   The blue warforged arrived by boat which was kind of surprising. We assumed it was gonna be walking on the ocean floor.   Everyone didn't even give it time to land its ship.   They started attacking it before its boat docked but that didn't stop it.   It wasn't until Hellkite managed to grapple it with a spell and then it became a war of attrition.   We spent a long time locking the warforged on the spot and damaging it when possible.   We kept our distance between locking and damaging it.   I dropped a prepared glyph of warding rolled up in a scroll in case the warforged broke free and decided to attack us. Side note: I did prep it to only activate on command words and to not hurt at least anyone that was not a warforged.   Part of me hoped that GPK wouldn't end up close to the scroll.   Was pretty worried when the blue bot decided to go invisible but seeing as it was still pinned by the tortle's construct, it wasn't as if we didn't know it was still there.   GPK solved the invisibility problem, though he lost his also.   In the end, my prep and caution didn't do much.   When the blue warforged was very damaged, it managed to break free of its captor and fled into the sea.   Dang it.   We were so close.   This is disheartening and worrying.

To Where and Warforged

We talk to Thanus after I ring a loud bell illusion.   We apparently woke him.   He wanted to talk about the blue thing that crossed over.   It's now our job to get rid of it cause of the tortle's influence with it and technically, we opened the world. It must have somehow gotten here with the Unknown's opening.   With our return to Krey through the portal, the wizard also mentioned it was on its way to Fazu.   Kind of strange, to trek through the ocean to a remote island.   But there's no time to lose, it'll make it there before us by ship if we can get transport.   So I decide to go see the king for his assistance.   I did ask people if there would be a way to cut through the blue thing, but so far most people's responses to obtaining even adamantine is next to null.   I managed to get a quick audience with the king, though I really didn't realize I should have started with saying the wizard gave us a quest.   The king gave us an orb to get to Fazu fast when we break it. Transport done.   Another journey to take, this time leaving money for my family.   With that, we break the orb and end up in the middle of Fazu.

We Home-What the hell is happening

We returned home! After an entire year!   Family was real spooked D:   Carnan got married and I missed it. ;-;   But I gave him a quick wedding gift and Nan the sprig of mistletoe. (Note: Must find better gift.)   We prepped for next journey. And well.   We got home but Pamela never returned home.   So... Turns out she was kidnapped to the next town and we gotta save her.   We all went, I got no sleep.   Poor Pammy was apparently about to be used for a sacrafice by these religious jerks.   The tortle managed to get her to safety, but I don't approve of how he did it!   At least she's safe now, and those damn jerks got what they deserved. I think.   Well we got home to Krey, everything is cool now.   Except maybe the wizard we left hanging about when we were gonna show up through the portal outside the house.   Whups.   Pretty sure he was cool with it.

Longest Decision Making Session Yet

We in the Earth Kingdom.   We bought stuff from Un-Earthly Wares.   We leave and head off for the Air Nation.   We decide to fly after seeing this huge mountain and I saw a village in the sky.   There's a white dragon flying above it but we made it in the village fine.   Well, turns out it is the leader.   We talk to Mr. Dragon after I was playing my lute and he turns out to be the Bag of Winds we needed so he's helping us.   We get more stuff from Heavenly Wares.   Then we off to the Fire Domain. With poor plan to convince a possibly angry lady.   We help Lady 'find' the lost orb.   We slept.   We put effort into making story believable and it pays off.   So she puts the orb on the pedestal and POOF!   We in the Rainbow Road now.   Thanus is here and congratulates the- four of us?   Oh this guy was the one to send me the coin.   Huh.   Well then.   Thanus gives us all a wish.   Roboto wishes to be attuned to the Eye of Efreeti. Tortle wishes to NEVER DIE. I.   Wish for Minor Inconvenience :)   And we go home now and black out again :D  

To the Water and to the Land

We went to visit the ocean. There were merfolk we met.   We go with them to Atlantis. There's apparently a Kelp Man.   We help Merlin the fish find his lost son. Through sheer luck.   Can't really tell what happened after. But I'm sure they went on with their happy lives.   Or... Not as I have been informed later. Rip Nero.   Well, we got the water urn set up. So now we off to the land of earth.   I got picked up immediately on arriving and we were brought to the earth king, King Kong-styled.   We got audience with the king, and he wants us to help out with his large son, Boulder.   GPK managed to get him small. The tortle managed to move him.   So we got that task done, his son lost some weight kind of and is now stuck.   But we did it and the king is letting us stay for the night.

I scared myself

Well, we're on an unknown island.   We walked into a fiery city of brass with fiery residents.   I managed to get in the onyx tower.   I stole a thing. It wasn't what we needed.   Then I stole the thing we actually needed.   I think something happened outside but I was more focused on going outside.   We left, but now I'm not to sure we did what we needed...   Oh well.