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Bumble Tinkerton

Bumble Tinkerton

Bumble Tinkerton stands at a mere 3 feet tall with a plump frame that seems to defy his age. His skin is a warm, nutmeg brown, with a hint of a glow that suggests a life well-lived and a spirit never dimmed. His eyes are twinkling pools of emerald that seem to hold a mischievous secret, always a heartbeat away from a laugh. His hair is a wild tangle of silver-white curls that stick out at odd angles from beneath his tattered, oversized wizard's hat. A bushy, equally wild mustache covers his upper lip, reaching almost to his chin. His attire is a mismatched ensemble of various fabrics, all in shades of blue, green, and purple, stitched together in a chaotic yet charming pattern. His sleeves are rolled up to his elbows, revealing forearms etched with tattoos of gears and springs, a testament to his lifelong passion for invention. His pointed ears, the only parts of him that seem to have escaped the ravages of time, are adorned with tiny brass bells that jingle with his every movement, a delightful soundtrack to his whimsical nature.   Bumble is a whirlwind of energy and enthusiasm, his laughter as infectious as the tinkling of his bell-laden mustache. He approaches every challenge with a childlike wonder, often forgetting the limitations that others see as insurmountable. His mind is a maelstrom of ideas, and he speaks with the rapid-fire delivery of a man who fears he won't have enough time to share them all. His work is driven by a pure love for creation, and he's never met a problem he couldn't solve with a bit of wire, a dash of magic, and a hearty cup of tea. Despite his age, he's as playful as a kitten with a new toy, often engaging in harmless pranks that leave his neighbors both exasperated and endeared.   Bumble's curiosity extends beyond his inventions. He's a keen observer of the natural world, often drawing inspiration from the creatures that flit and flutter around his meadow home. His love for his son, Tumble, is boundless, and he takes great pride in the young prodigy's achievements. However, he's also fiercely protective, especially when it comes to Tumble's tendency to take on projects that are, quite frankly, a bit too explosive for comfort. Bumble's heart is as warm as the hearth of his hobbit-hole, and his hospitality is legendary. Visitors are always greeted with a wink, a grin, and a freshly baked pie. His stories are as intricate as his devices, and his advice, though often wrapped in riddles, is as solid as the oak beams that hold up his abode.   In a world where innovation is king, Bumble Tinkerton is a treasure trove of knowledge and wisdom, a reminder that even the smallest beings can have the biggest imaginations.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Bumble Tinkerton hails from the enchanting realm of Laughing Meadows, a place where magic and technology dance in harmony. As the father of the legendary Halfling inventor Tumble Tinkerton, Bumble has always been a man of curiosity and wonder. His youth was spent exploring the meadows, dissecting any curious contraption he could lay his hands on. His insatiable thirst for knowledge led him to apprentice under the great Gnome tinkerers of the Brass Mountains. There, he honed his skills, learning the intricate art of blending arcane forces with the precision of mechanical engineering. His creations ranged from the whimsical to the profound, bringing joy and innovation to the lives of his fellow Halflings. Despite his age, Bumble is as sprightly as ever, with a twinkle in his eye that suggests he's still got a trick or two up his sleeve. His workshop, nestled in the heart of his hobbit-hole, is a testament to his life's work, filled with whirring gizmos, steaming cauldrons, and a perpetual smell of singeing fabric.


Bumble Tinkerton


Towards Daisy Tinkerton


Daisy Tinkerton


Towards Bumble Tinkerton


Daisy Tinkerton (spouse)
Silver-white curls
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Nutmeg brown
Plumb build


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