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House of the Eclipse

The royal palace, designed to align with the forest's natural beauty and the cycles of the moon, where the Elven Queen and her court reside.


  • The Grand Hall of Lunar Reflections - A spacious chamber with a domed ceiling made of translucent leaves that glow with the light of the moon, mirroring its phases.
  • The Queen's Solar Gardens - Indoor greenhouses filled with plants that thrive under artificial sunlight, used for personal relaxation and diplomatic meetings.
  • The Eclipse Chamber - The throne room where the Queen sits during the rare solar eclipse events, her crown mimicking the phenomenon with shifting lunar crystals.
  • The Crystal Library - A repository of ancient knowledge, with books bound in silver and gold, and crystal reading tables that illuminate manuscripts at night.
  • The Moonglow Bistro - An exclusive dining area where the court gathers for feasts made from forest delicacies, under a permanent moonlit canopy.
  • The Lunar Baths - A series of natural hot springs within the palace, each enclosed in a private chamber for the royals and their guests.
  • The Nightingale Conservatory - A vast glass enclosure that houses the melodious nightingales whose songs are integral to the palace's nightly serenades.
  • The Royal Residences - A collection of treehouse-like suites for the Queen and her immediate family, connected by suspended walkways.
  • The Celestial Ballroom - A grand space with a retractable roof for stargazing and hosting royal balls during the full moon.
  • The Archive of Shadows - A secret room where the Queen stores sensitive documents, the walls adorned with shadow-casting sculptures that change with the moon's phases.
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