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The Sour Street District

Inside Tartopolis, the Sour Street District offers a variety of shops selling tart and tangy goods for those brave enough to venture near the swamp.  
  • **The Sour Surprise Emporium**: A whimsical shop with a twisted sense of humor, where every item has a surprise sour twist. From trick candies that never stop fizzing to tart toys that squirt lemon juice, the Emporium is a must-visit for those looking to play a harmless prank or challenge their taste buds.
  • **Lemon Lagoon Spa**: A relaxation retreat that uses the natural properties of lemons to provide rejuvenating sour baths and facials. The spa is famous for its "Lemon Squeeze" massage, which leaves customers feeling both refreshed and slightly puckered.
  • **The Grapefruit Grove**: An open-air market teeming with stalls selling a wide array of grapefruit products. Here, visitors can sample tart jams, marmalades, and even grapefruit-infused honey straight from the comb.
  • **The Sour Sweet Bakery**: Known for its paradoxical pastries that blend sweet and sour flavors in perfect harmony. The shop's signature treat, the "Lemon Lime Twist," is a donut filled with raspberry jam and topped with a zesty citrus glaze.
  • **Tartan Tailor**: A peculiar haberdashery that specializes in garments made from tartan fabrics imbued with the essence of various sour fruits. The suits are said to protect against bad moods and leave the wearer feeling perpetually uplifted.
  • **Sour Sip Tea House**: An elegant tearoom offering a selection of teas made from the leaves of rare sour plants. The "Puckered Peach" blend is particularly popular for its ability to cleanse the palate and sharpen the senses.
  • **The Pickled Parrot Pub**: A lively tavern where the patrons' laughter is only matched by the tang of the pickled foods served alongside potent sour cocktails. The house specialty is the "Sour Squawk," a concoction of vinegar-soaked fruits and spices.
  • **The Lime Library**: A quiet sanctuary where the pages of the books are infused with a faint lime scent. Readers often find themselves craving something tart while delving into the encyclopedias of sour history and cookbooks of ancient Tartopolis recipes.
  • **The Warped Whirl**: A unique carousel where each ride features a different sour fruit theme. The ride's crescendo is a burst of mist that leaves riders with a mouth-watering, lip-smacking sensation.
  • **Citrus Court**: The local center of justice, where judges are known to pass down sentences that include a taste of their own tart medicine. Court is often held outdoors, with the accused standing before a table laden with various citrus fruits.
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