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The Wacky Dome

The meeting place for the Wackytown City Council within the Chuckle Chateau.

Contents & Furnishings

  • The Giggle Gate: A grand, arched entryway to the Wacky Dome, adorned with a mischievous sculpture of a clown juggling bowling pins that cackle as they're caught.
  • The Jester's Jamboree: The council's central meeting room, where the walls are lined with rainbow-colored bouncy seats and a floor made of oversized, musical tiles that play a random tune with each step.
  • The Laughing Library: A circular repository of Wackytown's laws and records, with books that occasionally burst into fits of laughter when opened.
  • The Whimsy Water Fountain: A centerpiece that dispenses flavored giggle water, known to tickle the throat and induce bouts of spontaneous laughter.
  • The Mayor's Mirthful Mansion: A topsy-turvy office where gravity fluctuates, forcing the mayor to hang from the ceiling to conduct serious business.
  • The Council of Curiosities: A hallway lined with portraits of past council members, whose eyes follow passersby and whose mouths move in silent, comedic debates.
  • The Snicker Snap Photobooth: A popular spot for council members to take official portraits, where the camera flashes with a joke instead of a bulb.
  • The Chuckle Chamber: A soundproof room where council members can retreat to let out a good laugh without disturbing the proceedings.
  • The Slippery Slope of Suggestions: A sliding board that leads to a basket filled with anonymously submitted ideas for new town policies.
  • The Joyful Javelin: A ceremonial weapon used to "tap" council members into order, which instead of a pointy end, has a rubber chicken that honks on impact.
Room, Conference / Meeting Room
Parent Location
Owning Organization


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