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Micarr Jordis--DM FILE


Raised by shunzea Jordis . Micarr knew very little about his father’s past, and even less about his mother. Micarr could always sense that his father yearned to see more of the world; he could see it in his eyes as they watched ships sail away from their shores, hear it in his voice when he told him stories. He grew up hearing about the The Ruby Rebellion , but was only an infant when it began. As a young boy in Micarr and his friends would dare each other to go into Forest Beeyoy during Zeckrom mating season and bring back one of their Gemhearts They all talked a big game, but none of them ever had the courage to actually do it. One night Micarr and his friend, Amarr were talking about how rich they would be if they were only brave enough to retrieve a Gemheart. Amarr made the decision to go into the forest, but Micarr tried to talk his friend out of it. Amarr scoffed and claimed Micarr too afraid, but Micarr knew that it was wisdom and not fear that kept him from entering the forest. He knew that it was dangerous and knew that anyone lacking experience would surely not return. But Micarr could not let his friend go into the forest alone, and, despite his better judgment, he accompanied Amarr. Micarr pleaded with Amarr to kill the smallest Zeckrom he could find, gather the Gemheart, and leave. But Amarr was greedy and wanted a way out of Jefeanea, so he hinted for the largest Zeckrom he could find. Amarr was swiftly overpowered by the Zeckrom. Micarr tried to help his friend defeat his quarry, but the Zeckrom was far too strong. Micarr suffered minor injuries, but Amarr was gravely injured and had to be carried out of the forest on Micarr’s shoulder. Amarr took his last breath at the edge of the forest. That day Micarr learned that it is one thing to desire a better life, but when you let greed cloud your judgment then the results can be disastrous. Micarr worked with his father growing fruit for the capitol city, saving their money so that Micarr could attend the Isles School SAW

Mental characteristics


Personality Characteristics


To see the world and help people along the way. He’s gotten around on his own, but he figures it make more sense to see the world in safety and comfort. People don’t often question The Bannermen, but they’ll question a lone adventurer
Current Location
Currently Boarded Vehicle

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