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Arkwing the Undead Capitol

Era beginning/end


Marcus meets Faen Valrel and they come to an agreement to take over Arkwing. Arkwing becomes a hub of necromantic energy and Torsia is closed off from the rest of the world.

Faen comes to Arkwing seeking information on Necromancy in The Library of Tomes. She is caught by Marcus, who has at that point, charmed the Northcotts and become an advisor. They come to an agreement, Faen helps maintain control of the city in exchange for research and support.   Faen places 5 wards around the city chipping off pieces of the Oypani Crystal, casting Subservient Blight and pacifying the population. She also cast a spell drawing all sorts of Undead during the nights.   Marcus charmed and commands the Northcotts. His mere presence also created the dense unnatural forest and strange weather around the city.   Worship of Sarenrae is banned, and the Temple of Sarenrae in Arkwing is destroyed. The Glory River is dammed up, and the majority of nobles are paid to leave the city or killed or working for Marcus. The Syndicate runs wild across the city.

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