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The Capital of Kings


An old and robust walled city, the capitol of Torsia, and a base of military operations, the city of Arkwing is a traditional settlement with rich history of noble lines and royal blood. It has ancient roots, existing since The Endless War, and many Torsian nobles have links to the overseeing rulers. It is currently in the Northcott Dynasty, and ruled over by Heward Northcott, brother of the late King Trym Northcott.
  • Government: Royal Family - Northcotts
  • Population: Predominantly Human, Standard D&D Array
  • Known For: Raucous festivals and exporting wine and alcohol, also military prowess
  • Environment/Location: Swamps, Grassland / Torsia
  • Contains: The Imperial Academy, The Common Guild, Engulfing Flame
  • NPCS: Varala of Binton , Marcus, Hescar, The Northcotts
Once the grand and shining capitol of Torisa, Arkwing has been covered by a mysterious mist and surrounded by a dangerous forest of almost impenetrable density.


The Central

  The Central is aptly named for being the central district in Arkwing. In its prime, it would be full of civilians and travelers, marveling at the great buildings and beautiful central plaza. The Central Plaza used to hold marvelous sculptures of knights and nobility, beautiful imagery of fanatical figures. Now, it is a desolated ground with destroyed sculptures and a crumbling temple. The Central Plaza now has stakes and noosed platforms framing the Northcott Castle walls. The plaza also holds a secret passageway to The Syndicate’s headquarters.   It holds: Temple of Sarenrae, Northcott Castle, Lottie's Bakery.  


  Pondhelm is known as a poorer district within Arkwing. It is close to both East Slope Village and Southward Village, and therefore handles most of the farmed produce and and food trade. The buildings are primarily constructed out of wood and timber brought in to the city.   It holds: Pondhelm Guard Post 



Grand Grounds






Lakeside Heights



  The villages...  



East Slope


Glory Village


The Lookout


Unnamed Village


City Details


Arkwing provided a stronghold for the human clan of The Ziays in the The Principum Era. In The Misce Era, the city was expanded and fortified, and the Northcotts built it to be the capital it is known for today. Throughout its history, control has been passed down from human to human, and the majority of the population reflects this. Almost 90% of the population consists of humans, 5% have elven heritage, and 3% dwarves, halfings, and gnomes, and the remaining 2% are a mix of other races.


Arkwing has had a long history of nobility and royal bloodlines. The Northcotts have long been the rulers of Torsia, and are from old blood money, winners of the Great War. Trym was the eldest son, and took over due to this. He was a competent and capable ruler, but never was married nor bore no children. Notable as well, the Glask family was known for their trade in premium wines and liquors. The Arves family were known for trading their lush silks and fabrics. Well established families all lived within Lakeside Heights and the area was thriving with beautiful buildings and an amazing view of Lingar Lake. Cranes are known for their long line of diplomats.   Arkwing, and Torsia by extension, are ruled by a royal family (The Northcotts). Trym was the last ruler, but was replaced by Heward after his passing. Now Heward controls the city with advise from his Advising Council.


The main defense Arkwing has is in it's location and robust walls. Arkwing is located in a large plain, where land can be seen for miles. Any approaching army or force could be seen well in advance. Also, the 30 foot tall walls are constantly patrolled by guards and scouts. In an instant, old war machines could be pulled into action to defend the capital.


Arkwing is a sprawling capital surrounded by 30 ft high gates and 5 small villages surrounding the outside. The Northcott Castle  is centralized and surrounded by another smaller wall. There is an advanced Sewer System  that runs throughout the entire city underground. It runs towards the Glory River.   Also, there is a large military and nobility school known as The Imperial Academy. Since the city is so well known for its festivals and events, it has a large art district in Sleekfront. The Glask Warehouse is a center for alcohol production and drink manufacturing.    The guard post system is mainly around the walls of the city and has several guard stations posted throughout the city.


Arkwing is well stocked with military tools, luxury drinks, art, and fashion.    The Imperial Academy has a large stock of weapons, war chariots, and siege machines. Several notable families have rose to prominence by producing liquors and alcohol in city warehouses. Also in Sleekfront, art is produced in mass, from sculptures that are displayed in the Central Plaza to beautiful paintings exported to the Haymeslandian Empire . Similarly, there is a large amount of textiles and fabrics produced in Sleekfront. This keeps the nobility in the city happy and in style constantly.

Guilds and Factions

There are five current main factions within Arkwing (not counting the locals): The Engulfing Flame - Arkwing , The Common Guild , Nobility - Arkwing , Arkwing Guard , and The Syndicate .


Arkwing was always more of a conservative city, known mostly for their Kingdom and old-blood ruling dynasties. The Ziays ruled in the The Principum Era. In The Misce Era, the city was expanded and fortified, and the Northcotts built it to be the capital it is known for today.   Torsia is seen as a more “traditional, conquering” type empire, but the celebrations in Arkwing made it famous. They are huge on drinking and celebration, numerous festivals. The city only opened for most tourists during festival season, the rest of the time it was more exclusive, and closed off. It is the capitol of Torsia, and located next to the Glory River, and an excellent location for trade and exporting the foods grown in the farms. They are also historically a Sarenrae and Pelor centric city.
  Heward Northcott sits in his heavily guarded castle and does nothing as his citizen are being picked off like crisp apples from an orchard. How can anyone sit around in times like this?
— Varala


  • Arkwing
    Once the grand and shining capitol of Torisa, Arkwing has been covered by a mysterious mist and surrounded by a dangerous forest of almost impenetrable density.
Founding Date
Inhabitant Demonym
Owning Organization

"Arkwing is known for being a hub of entertainment and activity. The capital of Torsia is located about 50 miles away from Lingar Lake , and is a relatively close central to that nature get-away. Arkwing hosts raucous festivals, such as the Torsian Winter Crest Celebration, The Twisted Tour, and Fall Fest. Looking at it now, you can still clearly imagine the splendor and great awe the sight of city might inspire. Towering polished white walls, robust stonework, and clean infrastructure that played host to the delightful events and memories made here.     However, only the bones of such sights remain. The magnificent walls have overgrown plants climbing the outside, dirt and debris caking the grooves of the bricks. The lush greenery and farmland that surrounded Arkwing is reduced to overgrown weeds interspersed with patches of raised earth and barren soil. No longer a bustling metropolis of activity, the locals scuttle as quickly as they can from place to place, like rats avoiding to be seen on city floors. All this set to the backdrop of an eternal dense fog and mist that cloak around the city, making it difficult to see more than 100 meters away from you. The sunlight has been diffused by the dark clouds covering the sky, covering everything in a grayish wash of light.    What has happened here?"

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