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History of Zarthe

These are the events known that caused Zarthe to be the world we know today

Before Creation

Before the Creation of Zarthe

  • -543 BC

    The War of Creation
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Before the creation of Zarthe or any other world a war raveged amongst the planes between the Gods themselves. It was a fight of creation, a fight to determine which Gods were worthy enough to rule the worlds, and those who weren't worthy became the planets in which people inhibit today.

After Creation

After the Creation of Zarthe

  • 1 AC

    The Creation of Zarthe
    Construction beginning/end

    With the Final rival God Zarthe sleign by Tulech (Leader of the Gods), the creation of the final world was created, using the soul of Zarthe to create life

  • 28 AC

    33 AC

    The Sisters Folly

    When Zarthe Died she created 3 Daughters Lucia, Marthae, Basheba, all of which carry part of her within. They were created to guide the nation, but as they grew older the three sisters met a man, Yeleb, and all 3 of them fell in love, however Yeleb was only interested in Lucia, causing a rift to form between the 3. Arguments and fights broke out amongst the sisters causing the continent to shake and when Yeleb asked for Lucia's hand in Marriage the cries from Marthae and the screams from Basheba caused the once whole continent to break apart into 3. Creating the Continents we know today

    More reading
    The Sisters Folly
  • 33 AC

    256 AC

    The Reign of Lucia and Yeleb
    Political event

    After the Sisters Folly Lucia went on with Yeleb to create the laws and society that make Zarthe how it is today. However After 223 years of reign and no sign of ill health or age, the pair dissapeared leaving no trace of where they went all together

  • 256 AC

    273 AC

    The Chaos of Nations
    Disaster / Destruction

    With the Rulers gone the Nation of Lucia was left unruled and the continents begun to shake. The sisters Folly was over and so was their fued. The Continents begun to drift closer together. Toppling civilisations built over this time. However, after 17 years of disasters happening accross the world. Ilnan who claimed he was the imbodiment of Zarthe, took the crown of Zarthe and the continents stopped moving and have stayed in place ever since

    More reading
    The Chaos of Nations
  • 273 AC

    726 AC

    The Reign of Ilnan
    Political event

    Claiming to be Zarthe, Ilnan took the Crown and became King. His reign was less than favourable for the nations of Basheba and Marthae causing uproar against Lucia. He favoured Lucia, making it a grand magical hub of activity, powering everything and everyone with Magic. But after 456 years of reign he was assasinated by Varan, the leader of Basheba.

  • 724 AC

    726 AC

    The Basheba Uprising

    After years of ill intent from Lucia towards Basheba, an uprising begun. Boats sailed across the sea from Basheba to Lucia with armies to infiltrate the lands with the overall goal of killing Ilnan. Fights broke out between the two nations in the seas for 2 years. Then one small disguised boat, snuck past the Lucia line and got in. The ship was maned by Varan, who managed to get across the nation and into the kings tower, killing him in his sleep.

    More reading
    The Basheba Uprising
  • 726 AC

    735 AC

    The Reign of Varan
    Political event

    The reign of Varan brought terror to Lucia and Marthae. He was a rutheless killer and anyone who went against him would be executed along with thier friends and family too. This was a very dark time. His short reign came to an end when Petria leader of a group of rebels from Lucia assasinated him at a Dinner Party.

  • 735 AC


    The Assasination of Varan

    With the Reign of terror taking a toll on the nation, an undercover rebellion rose, with their leader Petria. They became part of the inner circle of Varan and then one dinner party Patricia slipped some poision into Varans drink causing his death

  • 735 AC

    1016 AC

    The Reign of Petria
    Political event

    After the Murder of Varan, Petria took the Crown of Zarthe. She retored Lucia to its former glory and advanced it even further, introducting The Lucian Test to ensure that those who get to live in High Lucia, a divide that was created by Petria herself, are true and loyal to the decisions she and her elete government make. Leaving those who didnt pass to live in the slum of Lucia or if they showed any revolts be exiled to Marthae or Basheba. She had a son Zathe who marshaled The Lucian Test and when she died, he became King

  • 801 AC

    The Division
    Population Migration / Travel

    Queen Patria sought out a way to ensure that the previous events that have caused threat to the throne wouldnt happen again, so she sought out a new law, The Right of Lucians. This law entailed that a test must be completed, The Lucian Test, to work out if people are worthy of being part of Lucia's higher society. Those who passed the test were allowed to live in High Lucia, a place of technological brilliance and where magic was the essence of life. Those who failed the test were sent to Low Lucia, a place of old fashion technology with little access to magic. Then those who eithier refuse to take the test or showed, disruptive results, determined by the queens most loyal companions, would be exiled to Marthae or Basheba.

    More reading
    The Division
  • 1016 AC

    The Reign of Xathe
    Political event

    After the Death of his Mother Petria, the crown of Zarthe was Passed onto Xathe, making him the Monarch of the world