
Cinderfall is a village that thrives on the edge, where the forces of nature are both a blessing and a potential threat. Its people are as sturdy as the volcanic rocks they build with, and their lives are as vibrant as the fiery festivals they hold.


The villagers of Cinderfall are a resilient lot, accustomed to the challenges of living in such a location. They have a strong sense of community, forged in the fire of the volcano’s past eruptions and the shared bounty of the land and sea.

Industry & Trade

The village benefits from both the sea and the rich soil. Fishermen haul in bountiful catches, while farmers harvest crops that are envied across the island. The volcanic ash is also used to create unique pottery and glassware, which are traded far and wide.


Homes and buildings are constructed with volcanic stone, giving them a distinctive, dark hue. The rooftops are often bright red or orange, mimicking the lava that once flowed through the area.


Cinderfall is perched precariously between the sea and an inactive volcano. The volcanic soil is incredibly fertile, allowing for lush vegetation and a prosperous agricultural community.
Location under


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