Draconis Dominae

The Draconis Dominae spell, a term that sends shivers down the spines of even the most seasoned mages within the Dragon Imperium, is an arcane ritual of immense power and controversy. Its history is steeped in the darkest annals of magical lore, and its existence has been a point of contention among the Imperium’s ranks.  

Spell’s Mechanism

The spell required three key components: the caster’s blood, symbolizing their own life force; the dragon’s blood, representing the target of the spell; and the dragon’s true name, a secret so closely guarded that its discovery was nearly impossible. The ritual involved a complex array of sigils and incantations, culminating in the invocation of the dragon’s true name, which would forge an unbreakable bond between the caster and the dragon.

Historical Details


The origins of the Draconis Dominae spell can be traced back to the mid-third age, a time when the boundaries of magic were pushed beyond the known limits. It was during this era that a cabal of power-hungry mages sought to establish dominion over dragons, the apex of magical creatures. They believed that by bending a dragon’s will, they could harness its strength and knowledge to ascend to godhood.   The cabal’s research led them to ancient texts that spoke of a primordial language, a tongue that dragons themselves used to weave the fabric of magic. Through decades of study and cruel experimentation, the cabal deciphered fragments of this language and constructed the Draconis Dominae spell—a ritual that could bind a dragon’s will to the caster’s.

Public Reaction

When the Draconis Dominae spell was first uncovered by The Dragon Imperium, the reaction was swift and severe. The High Council, led by the Archmages of the time, condemned the spell as an abomination. It was a direct violation of the Imperium’s tenets, which held the sanctity of free will as a pillar of magical ethics.    The texts related to the Draconis Dominae spell were ordered to be destroyed. However, rumors persisted that copies of the spell survived, hidden away by those who dared to dream of power over dragons.


Over the centuries, the Draconis Dominae spell became a legend, a tale whispered among mages as a warning against the seduction of forbidden power. Yet, for some, the spell represented the ultimate achievement of magical mastery, a temptation too great to resist.   In the current age, the Draconis Dominae spell remains a subject of myth and fear. The Imperium’s stance has not wavered; the spell is forbidden, its practice punishable by the most severe penalties.
Manuscript, Magical (Tome/Scroll)


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