The Dragon Imperium

The Dragon Imperium is the governing magical organization in the eastern countries. It has a multifaceted purpose that involves regulating, educating, and protecting all aspects of magic that flow throughout Zæthéria.   Sub-groups and duties of the Imperium's ranks:   Greater Dragon Imperium:
  • Custodians of Relics: Specialists who catalogue, safeguard, and regulate the use of powerful magical artifacts to prevent them from falling into the wrong hands.
  • Portal Wardens: Mages trained to monitor and regulate interdimensional travel, ensuring that portals are not used for nefarious purposes and that extra-planar entities do not threaten Zæthéria.
  • Beastbinders: Individuals dedicated to the protection and study of magical creatures, ensuring their preservation and proper treatment.
  Lesser Dragon Imperium:
  • Arcane Sentinels: Tasked with upholding magical laws, these elite enforcers handle cases involving misuse of magic, unauthorized spellcasting, and breaches of magical contracts.
  • Ethos Magisters: A council that reviews and oversees magical experiments, ensuring they adhere to ethical standards and do not endanger the world or its inhabitants.
  • Emissaries of the Imperium: Diplomats who liaise with non-magical governments and other magical organizations to maintain peace and cooperation.
  • The Academy of Arcane Arts: The premier location for magical education within the eastern nations. Attracting hopeful students from across the continent and further.
    Important Characters in The Dragon Imperium
  • High Archmage Valerius Dove: The current head of the Greater Dragon Imperium, known for his groundbreaking work in the field of transmutation.
  • High Archmage Arjinta Silverhand: Leader of the Lesser Dragon Imperium and a pioneer in the application of enchantment and illusion magic for healing psychological ailments.
  • Keeper Lucan: Head of the Custodians of Relics, renowned for his knowledge of ancient magical artifacts and their histories.
  • Ambassador Tiberius Grilam: A charismatic and skilled negotiator who has successfully brokered numerous treaties between magical and non-magical factions.
    Founding Organizations: The Dragon Imperium was formed from a coalition of several precursor organizations, each with its own specialization in the magical arts. These included:
  • The Circle of Magi: A conclave of the most learned wizards focused on the theoretical aspects of magic.
  • The Enchanter's Guild: A group dedicated to the practical application of enchantments for everyday use and benefit.
  • The Alchemist's Consortium: Alchemists who were pioneers in potion-making and transmutation.
  • The Order of Rune Crafters: Masters of rune magic who provided magical tools and weapons.
  • The Beastbinders' Alliance: A collective of mages specializing in the study and care of magical creatures.


  • Initiate (1) - Newcomers to the order, learning the basics of their magical craft.
  • Scribe (2)
  • Sorcerling (3)
  • Wyrmcast (4)
  • Encanwyrm (5)
  • Sentinel (6)
  • Magidrake (7)
  • Dragon Mage (8)
  • High Seraph (9)
  • Imperium Grand Magus (10) - The supreme leader of the order, wielding immense power and wisdom.


  • Scholarly Pursuit: The Imperium fosters a culture of continuous learning and scholarly pursuit. Members are encouraged to explore the unknown and push the boundaries of magical understanding within the accepted parameters.
  • Hierarchical Respect: There is a clear hierarchy within the Imperium, with respect given to those who have advanced in their magical studies and contributions to the field.
  • Ethical Magic Use: The ethical use of magic is paramount. The Imperium enforces strict codes of conduct to ensure that magic is used responsibly and for the greater good.
  • Diversity: Despite its hierarchical structure, the Imperium is indifferent to diversity, adopting the advantage of drawing members from various backgrounds and disciplines to enrich the collective knowledge and power of the Imperium.
  • Community Service: The Imperium is not just inward-looking; it actively engages with the community, providing magical services and aid to those in need.
Rules of the order: Obedience to the Hierarchy: Novice initiates must respect and follow the instructions of higher-ranked members within the Imperium.   Prohibition of Forbidden Magic: Initiates are forbidden from practicing or researching any forms of magic deemed dangerous or unethical by the Imperium.   Secrecy and Discretion: Novice initiates must keep the knowledge and activities of the Imperium confidential, sharing them only with fellow members.   Ethical Conduct: Initiates must uphold the ethical standards set by the Imperium, using magic responsibly and for the greater good.


  • The Great Magical Concord: A landmark treaty was signed under the auspices of the Imperium, uniting various magical factions and schools under a common code of conduct and ethics.
  • Founding of The Dragon Imperium: The Imperium was established at the confluence of several ley lines, harnessing this power to create a centre for magical learning and governance.
  • Arcane Wars: A series of conflicts fought against rogue mages who disagreed with the new regulation of magic and sought to overthrow the established order. The Imperium's decisive action during these wars solidified its authority.
  • Discovery of Astral Gates: Researchers from the Greater Dragon Imperium uncovered ancient portals leading to different planes of existence, expanding the understanding of the multiverse.
  • Pact of the Elemental Lords: The Imperium negotiated a pact with the elemental lords, ensuring their cooperation and preventing them from wreaking havoc in the mortal realm.Reformation of the
  • Lesser Dragon Imperium: A period of introspection led to a reorganization of the Lesser Dragon Imperium, focusing on outreach and support for magical communities across the eastern nations.
  • Establishment of The Academy of Arcane Arts: Recognizing the need for structured education, the Imperium founded the Academy, which has since become a premier institution for magical learning.

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