
In the shadow of the mighty Grenanonese Empire, amidst its sprawling plains and towering mountains, lies the enigmatic city of Libertatia. Declaring itself an independent state, Libertatia is a stark contrast to the disciplined might of the empire.
Despite its allure, Libertatia's perpetual revelry masks underlying tensions. The lack of formal laws invites both freedom and chaos, and the city must constantly navigate the delicate balance between autonomy and anarchy.


The Licentious Circle, a group of the city’s most charismatic and influential figures, loosely governs Libertatia. They prioritize the city’s festive atmosphere over traditional law and order, creating a haven for those who wish to escape the rigid structure of the empire.

Industry & Trade

The city’s economy revolves around pleasure and entertainment. It’s a hub for artisans who craft instruments of intrigue and debauchery, chefs who concoct over-indulgent cuisines, and brewers who create the most intoxicating of drinks. The city’s markets are a riot of colour and sound, with goods from across the continent and beyond. Illicit substances are traded in broad daylight and escorts openly ply their trade.


The most famous landmark is the ring of Delight, a large circular plaza in the center of town that hosts the most extravagant gatherings.


Libertatia was established by a collective of artists, musicians, and free thinkers who sought refuge from the stringent laws of the Grenanonese Empire. They were led by a charismatic visionary known as Calix, who dreamed of a place where creativity and pleasure were not just permitted but celebrated. The founders stumbled upon the hidden valley while fleeing imperial persecution and saw it as a sanctuary where they could live by their own rules. 
As word of Libertatia spread, it attracted all manner of people from across the empire and beyond, those who felt stifled by society’s constraints, adventurers seeking thrills, and even nobles tired of courtly intrigues. The city’s reputation grew with each new arrival, and soon, it became synonymous with unbridled joy and excess.   The turning point came when an imperial envoy arrived, demanding that Libertatia bow to the emperor’s will. In a bold move, Calix and the Licentious Circle declared the city a sovereign state, independent of the empire’s reach. They proclaimed that in Libertatia, the only rule was that there were no rules, save for one: respect the right of others to partake in the city’s delights.   With its newfound independence, Libertatia's parties grew wilder, its feasts more lavish, and its nights longer. The city became a haven for hedonists and a playground for the senses. The Ring of Delight, once a mere landmark, transformed into the heart of the city’s decadence, where the most extravagant events were held under the moon’s watchful eye. It is said that the city’s descent into debauchery was not just a result of human desires but also a divine blessing. It is rumoured that The Chariot blessed the town and relishes in its nightly chaos.


The architecture of Libertatia reflects its spirit. Buildings are adorned with bright murals and sculptures, designed to inspire joy, wonder and arousal.


Libertatia is situated in a hidden valley on the empire’s western frontier, beyond the mountain ranges that serve as the natural fortifications of Grenanon. Its location makes it easily accessible to those seeking refuge from the empire’s reach, yet difficult enough to deter unwanted scrutiny.
Location under


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