Professor Durgrim Toneard

A stubborn dwarf whose expertise in abjuration magic is matched only by his unyielding determination and ironclad resolve. However, his stubbornness often leads to clashes with others, and he struggles to admit when he's wrong.   Personality: Durgrim is known for his ironclad resolve and unyielding determination. His expertise in abjuration magic is unparalleled, and he takes great pride in his work. However, his stubbornness is both his strength and his flaw. He often clashes with others over magical theory and practice, and he finds it difficult to admit when he's wrong, leading to strained relationships with colleagues and students alike.   Beliefs: Durgrim believes that "the best defence is good a good defence". He holds that abjuration magic is the noblest school because it seeks to defend and preserve rather than destroy.

Personality Characteristics


He wishes to pen a comprehensive tome on abjuration that would serve as the definitive guide for future generations.


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