The Academy of Arcane Arts - Faculty Body

  • Abjuration: Professor Toneard
  • Alchemy: Professor Thistle
  • Conjuration: Professor Moonaper
  • Animal Handling: Auronathir the Wise
  • Divination: Professor Furuk
  • Arcana:
  • Enchantment: Professor Rimblebur
  • Calligraphy: Professor Fither
  • Evocation: Professor Badaar
  • Cartography: Professor Fither
  • Illusion: Professor Furleaf
  • Herbalism: Professor Thistle
  • Necromancy: Professor Gumgoth
  • Nature: Auronathir the Wise
  • Transmutation: Professor Sonap
  • Poisons: Professor Thistle


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