Summer Camp Prep 2024 FINISHED Week 4



Assignment 1: Change

Trying to consider what change I would like to expand and develop, I would have to say the creation of the The Dead Spance and The Bleached Coast. I have a vague idea of what happened to turn the once vibrant forest into an arid stretch of nothing, but given the opportunity I will embrace fleshing it out. Another kind of change I have been pondering recently is the dynamic of shifting national borders over my world's history. How do they chance as past empires die and the present empires have arisen? What impact does this have on the history of the world?  

Assignment 2: Setting a Goal

  I'm going to go for diamond. I spend most of my free time working on my world as of late, and when I'm not writing, I'm thinking about it. So I figure I'll give it my best go.  

Assignment 3: Catagories & Tags

  I have recently been going through all my categories. I am pretty happy with how I set them up, so I don't think much change is required besides adding further specialisation into each category as they become necessary.  

Assignment 4: META

  Well, this is the kind of thing I'm not great at but ill try to get it somewhat filled out.  

Week 2: 8TH JUNE 2024

Assignment 1: Refuge

  The types of refuge in the world depend on what's being escaped from. In the fourth era, there is an army marching around slaughtering villages, the survivors are heading to the city of Ever-Stone to seek their refuge from the march.  

Assignment 2: Find an Accountability Buddy

  For my buddy ill turn to my D&D friends, I often talk about my world with them so they will be the perfect buddies.  

Assignment 3: Styling

  I am pretty happy with my current style, but I am always looking for ways to improve it.  

Assignment 4: CSS Upgrades

  My world is up to date in this aspect I believe, but CSS is beyond my time for learning at present.  

Week 3: 15TH JUNE 2024

Assignment 1: Belief

  My world's belief system is based on the guiding principle of Law and Chaos from the Shin Megami Tensei series, where Law is absolute control and Chaos is absolute free will. I have ascribed 11 gods to law and 11 to chaos. Each god is based on one of the major tarot cards, with their tenants being based, somewhat on the real-world meaning of the card, although extrapolated more into a fantasy world. At present, I am also working on giving the gods personal realms and planes. Along with my soft reincarnation system. Alot of greater world ideas, but since it's of great significant to the metaphysical workings of the world I want to make sure I have though it out thoroughly.

Assignment 2: Inspirations

  I am constantly on the lookout for inspiration. I recall one time I was reading about a glass frog and it inspired an idea for a dragon in one of my previous games. I have a large section of notes on my phone for ideas for my inspiration bank. I am also listening to audiobooks from fantasy series for additional inspiration. In particular, I am listening to the Legend of Drizzt and thoroughly enjoying it, highly recommend to any DnD fans.

Assignment 3: Images and Maps

  I have recently spent quite some time working on a map for my world and am quite happy with how it looks. Additionally, I use Microsoft Copilot AI to make images for my characters and have found a style I'm quite happy with.

Assignment 4: Review Inspirations

  My inspirations include Dungeons and Dragons books and novels, other fantasy novels, Fantasy games, and animals and events from real life.    

Week 4: 22ND JUNE 2024


Assignment 1: Decay

  Decay in my world is generally quite literal. Time passes, empires rise and fall. what once were populated towns turn to rubble or are swallowed by the earth to become dungeons underground. In a less literal sense, political relations can decay, freuinds become enemies and armies go to war. Then again, animosity might decay making way for future alliances.   

Assignment 2:Optimise Your Environment

  I have got my space as I like it. I do a lot of my thinking as I go about my day, so when writing I typically only need to get my ideas down and flesh them out.  

Assignment 3: Review Your Homepage

  My world is designed to act as both my dictionary for information as well as a place for my players to learn and look back on things they have done and experienced, to that end, it has been great in my games and I have had nothing but great feedback from everyone so far. Keeping that in mind, I have added an "elevator pitch" to the home page. Hopefully that'll help to any potention readers I have.  

Assignment 4: Update Intro and Author Page

  I am pretty happy with things as I have them right now. This might be something I do in the future if the world becomes popular outside of my group. But as it is at the moment. This doesn't seem to serve much for what I use my world for.


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