
Ever-Stone, the shining capital city born from the ashes of conflict, stands proudly as a symbol of unity and cooperation between the elves of Fra-Shandan and the dwarves of The Empire of Olliveria. Situated amidst the foothills of the Staboribus Mountain, Ever-Stone is a testament to the enduring power of collaboration and mutual respect.   The city's architecture is a marvel to behold, blending elven elegance with dwarven craftsmanship in perfect harmony. Towering spires of gleaming white stone rise towards the heavens, their graceful curves and intricate carvings reflecting the natural beauty of the surrounding landscape. Bridges of deep black iron span sparkling rivers, connecting the various districts of the city in a seamless tapestry of unity. Crafted from stones taken from the mountains themselves, Ever-Stone is adorned with symbols and designs that pay homage to the rich cultural heritage of the original the dwarven citizens and newer elven peoples who were displaced after the Shandan Vs Olliveria war. Elaborate tapestries depicting scenes from ancient myths and legends adorn the walls of grand halls, while intricately sculpted statues of revered heroes stand watch over bustling marketplaces and tranquil gardens.   The streets of Ever-Stone are alive with activity, as dwarves and elves alike go about their daily lives with a sense of purpose and camaraderie. Market stalls overflow with exotic goods and wares from distant lands, while artisans and craftsmen ply their trades in workshops and studios scattered throughout the city. In taverns and alehouses, patrons of all races gather to share stories and laughter over hearty meals and frothy tankards of ale, forging bonds of friendship that transcend cultural differences.


Council of Ever-Stone: A governing body comprised of representatives from both dwarven and elven communities. Tasked with upholding the principles of the city, the council ensures that all citizens are treated with respect, as well as ensuring the city is prepared and protected from danger.


Guardians: The city has a formidable guard composed of elite warriors from both races, trained to defend Ever-Stone against any threat.   Magical Wards: Protective magical wards, a result of collaborative magic, shield the city, making it one of the safest places in the eastern nations.

Industry & Trade

Trade: Ever-Stone is a trade nexus, with goods from both elven and dwarven lands, as well as from distant regions, passing through its markets.   Craftsmanship: The city is renowned for its exquisite craftsmanship, with items made in Ever-Stone being highly valued across the world.


Central Plaza: At the heart of Ever-Stone lies the central plaza, a bustling hub of activity where citizens from all walks of life come together to celebrate the city's spirit of unity and cooperation. Here, the grand council hall stands as a symbol of the city's governance. Surrounding the plaza are vibrant market stalls, where merchants from across the realm sell exotic goods and wares, their colourful displays attracting visitors from all over the eastern nations. The plaza is a venue for cultural events, celebrations, and public announcements, reflecting the city's diverse heritage.
  • Diplomatic Quarte: A dedicated area within the city where embassies and diplomatic residences are located, facilitating international relations.
    The grand council hall is also here, this is where the Council of Unity convenes to discuss and decide on matters affecting the city.
  • Hall of Records: The city's archives and records are kept in a secure location, documenting the history and achievements of Ever-Stone.
  • Holly-Oak Inn, A common waypoint for passing travellers.
Cascade District: Named for the breathtaking rivers that cascade down from the mountainside, the Cascade District is a haven of natural beauty and tranquillity within the bustling city. Lush greenery blankets the landscape, interspersed with crystal-clear pools and winding pathways that meander through the verdant gardens. Here, citizens come to escape the hustle and bustle of city life, seeking solace and rejuvenation amidst the serene surroundings.
  • Artisan Workshops: Many artisans set up their workshops here, drawing inspiration from the natural beauty to create works of art and craft.
  • Rawskin Tannery.
  • Healing Retreats: The district is also known for its healing retreats, where the harmonious blend of water and greenery is used for rejuvenation therapies.
  Harmonia Heights: Situated on the higher slopes of the Staboribus Mountain's foothills, Harmonia Heights is a district where dwarven and elven architecture blend seamlessly together, creating a harmonious fusion of styles that reflects the unity of the city. Elaborate stone spires rise alongside graceful treehouses, their intricate carvings and delicate filigree serving as a testament to the shared craftsmanship of both races. In Harmony Heights, dwarves and elves live side by side, their homes and businesses interspersed throughout the district, fostering a sense of community and cooperation that transcends cultural differences. Here, citizens of all races come together to celebrate their shared heritage and the bonds of friendship that unite them.
  • Educational Institutions: Several schools and academies are located here, offering education that combines elven and dwarven knowledge.
  • Residential Harmony: The district features mixed residential areas where elves and dwarves live as neighbours, fostering a strong community bond.
  Foundry District: Nestled in the undercity lies the foundry district, the industrial heartland of Ever-Stone. Here, the clang of hammers on anvils and the roar of furnaces can be heard echoing through the streets, as skilled craftsmen and artisans ply their trades in the pursuit of excellence. The district is a hive of activity, with workshops and foundries lining the streets and towering smokestacks venting heat to the surface. Despite the noise and commotion, there is a sense of camaraderie among the workers, as they collaborate to produce the fine goods and materials.
  • Cultural Integration: Despite its industrial nature, the district has cultural spaces where workers from different backgrounds share their traditions.
  • Forge Plaza: Named for the legendary Emborous-Iron Forge, a site where dwarven and elven artisans work together to craft powerful magical artifacts, Forge Plaza is a vibrant district where the traditions of both races are celebrated and honoured. The plaza is a bustling centre of commerce and culture, with bustling market stalls and lively taverns lining its cobblestone streets. Dwarven smiths and elven enchanters work side by side in workshops and forges, their combined talents producing some of the finest goods and magical items in the realm.
    At the heart of the plaza stands the Emborous-Iron forge itself, a magnificent structure of midnight black iron and sturdy stone, where dwarves and elves come together to practice their crafts and forge lasting bonds of friendship and camaraderie. Forge Plaza regularly hosts fairs and exhibitions showcasing the collaborative works of dwarven and elven artisans.
  • Innovation Hub: The district is not only about the industry; it's also a centre for technological and magical innovation, where new ideas are forged into reality.
  • The Dugout: A secretive brawling arena.


Ever-Stone was once a dwarven city built under the ground, but after the war, many elves were displaces and so as a show of good faith, the dwarves built the upper city to serve as a place for the elves to live.
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