Thaldin Ironhand

Thaldin is a young dwarf from the The Empire of Olliveria, determined to prove himself as a master of the arcane arts despite the long-standing rivalry between dwarves and elves. With his sturdy build and keen intellect, Thaldin excels in the school of Abjuration, specializing in protective spells and wards. Though he faces scepticism from some of his classmates, Thaldin remains undaunted, determined to show that dwarves are just as capable of wielding magic as any other race.   Neat freek   Background: Thaldin hails from the industrious city Irrn-No Gezza of The Empire of Olliveria. His family lineage is renowned for their craftsmanship in metallurgy and engineering. However, Thaldin’s heart was drawn to the arcane from a young age. Despite the traditional dwarven scepticism towards magic, particularly that practised by elves, Thaldin pursued his passion despite the lack of support from his metal-minded parents.   Personality: He is resolute and headstrong, often seen as stubborn by his peers. Yet, Thaldin is also remarkably intelligent, with a quick mind for strategy and a deep understanding of magical theory. His determination to excel in Abjuration is driven by a desire to protect others, showcasing a heart as solid as the iron his family is named. It can be hard to convince Thaldin of something if he believes himself to be correct, however he can be open to changing his mind if proven wrong.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Thaldin is robust, with a broad chest and muscular arms, typical of his kin. His beard is meticulously braided, adorned with small runes that signify his dedication to Abjuration magic. His eyes are a sharp steel blue, always observing and learning. He wears heavy robes over his chainmail, both practical for protection and symbolic of his dual heritage as a warrior and a mage.

Personality Characteristics


Thaldin’s ambition is to bridge the gap between the traditional dwarven ways and the wider magical community. He aims to prove that dwarves can stand equal to elves in magical prowess and hopes to disprove his familys expectations of him.


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