The Empire of Olliveria

The governance of Olliveria is steeped in tradition and honour. However, after the war with Fra-Shandan, Olliveria transitioned from a single monarchy to a diplomatic society. Now the rulers, known as the High Lords, are chosen from among the most esteemed dwarven clans and are tasked with upholding the prosperity and security of the realm. Beneath the High Lords, a council of elders advises on matters of state, drawing upon centuries of collective wisdom to guide the kingdom forward.   Queen Olliveria Queen Olliveria, the namesake of the empire, was a legendary figure in the annals of Olliverian history. Renowned for her wisdom, courage, and leadership, she ascended to the throne during a time of particular turbulence between the two nations. Unfortunately, her reign would be marked by a dark chapter that would forever alter the course of history: the conflict with the elves of Fra-Shandan. The seeds of discord were sown when a malevolent sorcerer, whose name has been lost to time, cast a wicked spell upon the queen. This curse, fueled by envy and malice, twisted Queen Olliveria's mind and filled her heart with a thirst for power. Under the influence of the spell, she became consumed by a desire to expand her dominion at any cost, even if it meant waging war against neighbouring realms.   Driven by the dark forces manipulating her, Queen Olliveria launched a ruthless campaign against Fra-Shandan, unleashing her armies upon the elven kingdom. The once unsteady relationship between the two realms devolved into a bitter and bloody conflict, with both sides suffering heavy losses. The war raged on for years, exacting a heavy toll on both the dwarves of Olliveria and the elves of Fra-Shandan. Yet, even in the midst of such turmoil, whispers of hope began to spread among the dwarven ranks. Some believed that the curse afflicting their queen could be broken, that there was still a chance to restore her to her former self and bring an end to the senseless bloodshed. Through perseverance, sacrifice, and the combined efforts of dwarves and elves alike, the curse upon Queen Olliveria was eventually shattered. With clarity restored to her mind and remorse filling her heart, she sought to atone for the devastation she had wrought. Together with the elves of Fra-Shandan, she worked tirelessly to rebuild what had been destroyed and forge a new era of peace and cooperation between their two kingdoms.
Geopolitical, Empire
Controlled Territories


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