The Astral Spance Geographic Location in Zæthéria | World Anvil

The Astral Spance

The Astral Spance is an enigmatic and boundless expanse that exists between the known realms, a place where the fabric of reality is woven with the threads of possibility and the essence of magic. It is a domain of both breathtaking beauty and terrifying unpredictability, where the laws of nature as understood in the terrestrial realms are mere suggestions, often defied by the whims of cosmic forces. To live in the Astral Spance is to accept that there are forces beyond understanding, powers that can alter the course of destinies with a whim. It is a place where the very concept of reality is fluid, and the line between god and monster is blurred.

Ecosystem Cycles

The Spance is not without its perils. Natural disasters here are unlike any found in more stable realms. Starquakes send shockwaves through the islands, nebula storms engulf them in toxic gases, and void whirls threaten to consume them whole.

Localized Phenomena

This vast interstitial void is characterized by its ever-shifting islands of reality—fragments of worlds that have been torn from their original planes and now float aimlessly in the astral sea. These islands are the remnants of cataclysms, echoes of places that once were, each with its own unique landscape and atmosphere. They drift through the Spance, sometimes colliding with one another in events that can reshape them entirely or even create new islands from the debris.
The sky of the Astral Spance is a tapestry of starlight, nebulae, and the auroras of intersecting realm energies. It is a perpetual twilight, illuminated by the soft glow of distant suns and the radiant hues of magical currents. The stars here do not follow predictable patterns; they dance to the rhythm of the Spance, and their movements are often the only warning of the tumultuous events that unfold below.

Fauna & Flora

The Astral Spance, a realm of unfathomable depths and cosmic mysteries, it is home to eldritch horrors and god-like entities that defy comprehension. These beings are as much a part of the Spance as the stars and the nebulae, woven into the very fabric of this interstitial realm.   Eldritch Horrors: These are the creatures that lurk in the darkest corners of the Spance, where the light of the stars does not reach. They are the spawn of chaos, born from the raw, unshaped energies of creation and destruction. Their forms are ever-changing, their motives inscrutable. To encounter an eldritch horror is to face the unknown—a test of mind and spirit that few can withstand.   God-Like Entities: The Spance is also the domain of beings so powerful that they are revered as gods. These entities command the forces of the cosmos with a mere thought, shaping the astral landscape to their will. Some are benevolent, guiding the Astral Elves and other travelers with gentle hands. Others are indifferent or even malevolent, regarding the lesser creatures of the Spance as mere playthings or obstacles to be removed.
Plane of Existence


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