
Olliveria is a realm shrouded in mystique and wonder, nestled amidst a picturesque landscape of winding rivers and lush valleys. It is a kingdom where the echoes of ancient history resonate through the rugged terrain, and where the indomitable spirit of dwarves thrives.   The dwarves of Olliveria are renowned for their craftsmanship, ingenuity, and unwavering resilience. They have carved out a prosperous civilization within the heart of the land, building magnificent cities that blend seamlessly with the natural beauty of their surroundings. As a result of the often wet landscape, structures are often built on stilts that suspend the settlement above the ground. The architecture of Olliveria is a testament to the dwarves' unparalleled skill and craftsmanship.   Despite their affinity for the subterranean depths, the dwarves of Olliveria are not reclusive. On the contrary, they maintain strong trade relations with neighbouring kingdoms and often venture forth from their stilted strongholds to explore distant lands. Their reputation as master artisans precedes them, and travellers from far and wide seek out Olliverian wares, renowned for their quality and craftsmanship.
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